SA Firefighter

General Discussion => SA Firefighter General => Topic started by: jaff on January 23, 2008, 09:52:55 PM

Title: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: jaff on January 23, 2008, 09:52:55 PM
Has anyone seen the surf lifesaving adverts on the TV there filtered sensational, almost makes me want to pull on the budgie smugglers and join em!!
So the question begs to be asked why isn't the government or our own emergency organisations using adverts/media to promote us like the surf lifesaving does.
Finance they will say,we dont have the finance, well given the ever increasing age of the CFS and SES volunteers,they wont have a volunteer emergency service in the not to distant future ,if they dont start to promote us sooner rather than later and draw in younger members and reinvigorate the older members, it would be cheaper in the long run .
Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: Pipster on January 23, 2008, 10:53:43 PM
I suppose there are a few questions to be asked before we put ads on TV:

"What are we trying to achieve?" and "Who is our target audience"

Research from Dr Judy Esmond in Western Australia, in relation to volunteering, indicates that most people join a volunteer organisation because someone (personally) asked them to.

From her research, only a very small proportion of people joined a volunteer organisation because they saw an ad on TV  (from memory, about 1 % or less- but the memory is a little fuzzy.....)

So, as a recruiting tool, TV ads are not that useful.  For other purposes (like awareness of the service, perhaps trying to encourage donations etc) it may be useful (but I am not aware of of the research re this, so I don't know it's effectiveness)

Having said that, the Surf Lifesaving ads I remember from a few years ago (and they may be the ones they have now, but not sure, as I don't watch too much TV!), where you have people on a bus, obviously travelling to work, and one asks "what did you do on the weekend" - and we get vision of what one of the passengers did - Surf Life saving, and saved a life.....

Excellent ad - although it didn't want to make me join them - but it sent shivers down my spine, so it had some effect.....   :-D

In these days of budgets and accountability, organisations need to look at what they get for the dollars they spend..... so paying for TV ads may not give organisations too much bang for their buck....but it depends on what you are trying to achieve.....


Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: Alan J on January 23, 2008, 11:01:58 PM
<snippo> ....and reinvigorate the older members, ....<more snippo> .

When PPE can be made to look like the cozzies on the models in the advert, we older members shall indeed be reinvigorated !!!  :-D

In the meantime, how about we settle for generational change.  :wink:

Other than that, what Pip said. We get the sort of publicity we need (albeit with flaws) from news footage.  For free.  What gets most members in the door is personal invitations from acquaintances, friends & family.  Probably followed, for a bunch of sickos like me, by the opportunity to live the dream of being a fire-fighter.


Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: jaff on January 24, 2008, 07:18:02 AM
Point taken with reference to Judy Esmonds findings, the adverts have certainly come along way since the bus travelling one that Pip remembers, the latest adverts show lots of slow mo footage, all bright colours and a gentle commentary over the top, it would have made an impact on you I guess, if you had seen it.
Another thing that you notice about the advert is that most of the members and their equipment has the letters DHL on them is this some major sponsorship they have picked up?,is this a possibility for our organisations?
Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: Darius on January 24, 2008, 07:57:02 AM
Another thing that you notice about the advert is that most of the members and their equipment has the letters DHL on them is this some major sponsorship they have picked up?,is this a possibility for our organisations?

given the lack of sufficient funding from govt, sponsorship is the way CFS is heading, from Farmers Union hats and kitbags to the "Stirling Hotel BWC".

Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: chook on January 24, 2008, 07:58:37 AM
Yep they are sponsored by DHL.
In other states (Vic, NSW, ACT, QLD) the services are sponsored by the corporate sector (AAMI, NRMA, SMORGON STEEL, O'BRIENS GLASS etc) - check out the VIC SES uniforms next time you see them for example.
Would be harder in this state - ESL, why would you want corporate sponsorship?
Is it to purchase items that would otherwise be deemed not necessary?
And Pip is right - CFS at least has a huge profile, and remember interstate coverage also has spin off affects e.g. QLD floods SES seen/ mentioned often.
My guess is Surf Life Saving is viewed differently to us by the public i.e they are non government, non funded "true volunteers".
Unlike us who are considered part of the public sector - people still assume we get paid!
Anyway studies by knowledgeable people including Dr Judy have indicated that to attract the younger generation they need to see benifets to them & it has to fit into their life style which is time poor!
Surf Life saving is also seen as "sexy" - not sure if our line of work is seen in the same light. :-D
Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: jaff on January 24, 2008, 08:16:37 AM
Chook ,lets get this right are you suggesting that the CFS bright yellow 2 peice kit with reflective stripping is not sexy? Man you have just rocked my world! (lol)
In regards to the public sectors view that we are somehow re numerated for our efforts ,last time I checked it costs my family dollars every time I leave work to attend a incident and the other incidentals like 30-40 phone calls a month
,petrol and the like ,maybe they need to "reinforce the volunteer aspect" once again

Cheers Jaff
Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: bittenyakka on January 24, 2008, 08:43:11 AM
Isn't it all volunteer organizations struggling to get younger members?

I'll just add that i am young and i did join after seeing the CFS add a couple of years ago so they do work.
Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: chook on January 24, 2008, 08:53:54 AM
It's not just your bright yellow two piece Jaff, Our Orange suit is not to flattering either :-D.
Not sure if you could do the stuff we do in a pair of speedo's though (except the boat of course :wink:)
Can you get them in cotton for fire fighting? :-D
Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: boredmatrix on January 24, 2008, 05:51:01 PM
Another thing that you notice about the advert is that most of the members and their equipment has the letters DHL on them is this some major sponsorship they have picked up?,is this a possibility for our organisations?

there's nothing wrong with corporate sponsorship.....but couldn't one make the assumption that Vol ESO's administered by the state government, who charges every person in the state the ESL, should already be at the top of their game?

we all know the truth, but joe blow general public prob needs to know the truth as well!
Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: CFS_Firey on January 24, 2008, 07:06:29 PM
...From her research, only a very small proportion of people joined a volunteer organisation because they saw an ad on TV  (from memory, about 1 % or less- but the memory is a little fuzzy.....)

So, as a recruiting tool, TV ads are not that useful.  For other purposes (like awareness of the service, perhaps trying to encourage donations etc) it may be useful (but I am not aware of of the research re this, so I don't know it's effectiveness)...

Couldn't that also be because there were no ads?  Of course a very low percentage of vols will join because of TV ads when they don't show any...

I'm sure very few people become bus drivers because of TV ads too...

Anyway studies by knowledgeable people including Dr Judy have indicated that to attract the younger generation they need to see benifets to them & it has to fit into their life style which is time poor!
Surf Life saving is also seen as "sexy" - not sure if our line of work is seen in the same light...

How about the army style ads pushing adventure, life skills, leadership, excitement etc?  Young people aren't only attracted by money and women in bikinis! :P

See the Surf Life Savings "Heroes" commercial here:

Surf Life Saving "Last Patrol" commercial:

I'm all in favour of a "Heroes" style commercial to promote the CFS.
Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: Blue on January 24, 2008, 07:09:33 PM
I think its in the state strategic plan to support swim training (and reduce deaths by drowning) so maybe this is why they throw money at it too? On the one hand it supports a volunteer service that is iconic for Australia, and also supports people learning to swim (and having people there to save you if you can't swim or get in trouble).

Thoughts anyway.
Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: chook on January 24, 2008, 08:49:45 PM
Yep agree - excitement, special skills, perceived danger & girls in bikinis :wink: (whoops the Army got busted for their internal Laura Croft adds :-D)
I think the minister is working on something to attract & retain volunteers.
Wait & see I guess
Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: jaff on January 24, 2008, 09:15:51 PM
Struth Chook, your not suggesting the Minister in a bikini or some weird scheiße like that are you !!
Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: squiddy on January 25, 2008, 05:52:33 AM
The SES did a dodgy ad a couple of years ago where they were "searching" for members. It was rather embarrassing to watch. SES even put out fliers and stuff with all the "glory" jobs on them, like vertical... but it just made the service look like a glorified scouts unit.

You want members: you need to sort out the politics and get out in the field and talk to people. While there is so much politcal upheaval in the services (especially with members of the public crying for Euan Ferguson's head on a platter, and the former SES chief at the helm of SAFECOM now with threats of legal action against the commission) the public are wary of getting involved.
Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: chook on January 25, 2008, 06:24:42 AM
Struth Chook, your not suggesting the Minister in a bikini or some weird filtered like that are you !!
I was thinking more of some of the good looking operators we have in the services :-D (kidding of course)
Yep remember seeing that dodgy ad on a CD (talk about over acting!), wasn't used up here as it was considered not relevant to the area.
You are joking - sought out the politics (you know that won't happen :wink:)
Be a bit careful though we have realised that by highlighting our RCR role for example is a good way to turn potential members off, where as the boat, storm & vertical draws people in.
Anyway hopefully one day SAFECOM will sought it all out for us & we won't have anyyhing to worry about :wink:
Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: Katrina on January 25, 2008, 10:15:50 AM
Just thought I 'd jump in here and say that I have never had anyone try to pick me up based on the fact that I looked sexy in that yellow uniform. However my cousin who does surf life saving has had many an offer due to his looks in his uniform
Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: CFS_Firey on January 25, 2008, 10:19:46 AM
Davi, could that have something to do with the fact that the women you meet in your yellow uniform just lost their house / crashed their car, while your cousins' prospects are just relaxing on the beach?  :P
Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: Katrina on January 25, 2008, 12:24:51 PM
Actually if I was honest it's probably more to do with his body his a lot better than mine (and before I go with my next comment Davi is actually a shortening of my surname and I am a female)but the guys really don't think I look that hot in those baggy pants
Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: CFS_Firey on January 25, 2008, 12:33:45 PM
Actually if I was honest it's probably more to do with his body his a lot better than mine (and before I go with my next comment Davi is actually a shortening of my surname and I am a female)but the guys really don't think I look that hot in those baggy pants

Oops, sorry for assuming you were male. :oops:

Point taken though - your yellows aren't all that flattering on any figure...
Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: bittenyakka on January 25, 2008, 04:22:54 PM
Oh i don;t know i alway thought you looked pretty good CFS_Firey :-P :lol:
Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: CFS_Firey on January 25, 2008, 04:30:52 PM
Oh dear... :|
Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: bittenyakka on January 25, 2008, 04:46:56 PM
mabey we should get some skin tight PBI made up as to improve one's figure? it might help  get new recruits?
Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: SA Firey on January 25, 2008, 05:22:40 PM
Maybe we should get some skin tight PBI made up as to improve one's figure? it might help  get new recruits?

Hmmm Lycra PBI....on your bike :lol:
Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: Footy on January 25, 2008, 08:09:48 PM
Is this talk about lycra PBI and body image leading back to a thread we had mid way through last year about members reaching a certain physical benchmark, and receiving membership discounts at gyms etc ???

Although on the topic of discounts, i walked into maccas new years day in CFS polo and the lovely young girl behind the counter gave me half prce maccas.    i'm lovin that, but cant say it works everytime, cos four of us called into makes on the way home from a house fire one morning covered in smoke, and not a  hint of a discount...
was definitiely worth the try tho...
(talk about off topic...)
Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: Blue on January 25, 2008, 08:41:19 PM
I met my partner when he and I were both in yellow turnout gear, and now he is my fiancee. So can't have looked that bad!  :lol:
Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: Footy on January 25, 2008, 08:42:44 PM
maybe you've just got a thing for colours BLUE?
Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: Katrina on January 25, 2008, 11:38:10 PM
Ah, but if he was wearing the gear then he have realised it would be possible to hide a good looking body under all that bulk. To be quite honest the only time I've thought it was kind of sexy was watching someone taking it off :wink:
Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: Footy on January 26, 2008, 10:03:23 AM
knowing your a gal is all good, but i have to have a second look at the name with comments like that... lol
Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: Benji on January 27, 2008, 06:49:36 PM
knowing your a gal is all good, but i have to have a second look at the name with comments like that... lol

LOL.. so Im not the only one that looked at the name twice :)
Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: 6739264 on January 30, 2008, 01:09:01 PM
I'm a big fan of the LAFD PR and Recruitment videos...

The Alarm:

The Ventilation:

The Fire Attack:

The whole lot:


The first time I've ever really seen a fire service try to promote itself and the work that it does.
Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: bittenyakka on January 30, 2008, 01:29:53 PM
they are awesome. except ours would be " the hurry up and wait"  :-P
Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: Crownie24 on January 30, 2008, 08:46:46 PM
I'm a big fan of the LAFD PR and Recruitment videos...

The Alarm:

The Ventilation:

The Fire Attack:

The whole lot:


The first time I've ever really seen a fire service try to promote itself and the work that it does.

You forgot one:

The Death

P.S: Dont take it seriously
Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: Footy on January 30, 2008, 09:19:45 PM
hmmm, quality comment???
Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: Crownie24 on January 30, 2008, 09:58:03 PM
that was meant as a joke but if you want to take it seriously feel free...

There was an add run during volunteer week that featured someone volunteering their time to the Salisbury CFS, that was some form of public exposure. But why is it only run for those surrounding weeks? We get the same adds for years if they're trying to sell something.
Title: Re: Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
Post by: jaff on January 30, 2008, 10:33:04 PM
Those LAFD adds are pretty cool,would something well produced like that help us ?
Current volunteers I think would certainly feel better about the sacrifices they make if their "volunteer" profile was raised,now I'm going to trade in the budgie smugglers and join the LAFD ,well maybe later!

Cheers Jaff