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Messages - Firefighting Cowboy

Pages: [1]
SA Firefighter General / Re: NEW APPLIANCES
« on: June 10, 2005, 02:24:35 PM »
Having served some time with the Berri MFS and having played with the new 4x4 trucks i actually think they are quite good. Whilst there are still the few manurfacturing faults (as in all new trucks) they amount of room and design is excellent. the also carry an auxilury pump which as i recall is just ur standard honda firefighter. this proved useful as u could leave it at the edge of the river or dam to fill other trucks etc.

Country Fire Service / CFS as a paid service
« on: May 08, 2005, 07:36:18 PM »
Hi all i am new to this website but have been in CFS for about 4.5 years and was a retained Met for 6months.
Just letting you all know that if you visit an Aussie Disposals store in Adelaide that you shall recieve a dicount on most things if you have any trouble tell them to call Dan.


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