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Topics - HQ OPS Member

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Country Fire Service / Brigade Paging
« on: March 13, 2008, 12:26:04 AM »
Hi all, my name is Dave, im a member of the kinda newish brigade "state operations support brigade".

i have being discussing the issue of paging with the brigade for some months now and am looking for some feedback for you all.

we are a unique brigade - we dont respond to fires, we dont have a appliances except for a dodgy spare 4WD which we can use when its not been borrowed.

we respond when the Deputy State Co-ordinator wants CFS to take the bushfire hotline back from MFS.
we have one member who does some work with the Helicopters where ever they end up, .we will be doing things shortly like planning, forming as a IMT, planning, logistics all the soft of stuff.

what i need your thoughts on is this.

we have all been isssued with pagers which we recieve the occasional info message letting us know about meeting etc etc. i have requested that we recieve the weather info, level of preparedness messages so that we are informed of when things happen so that our brigade can respond quicker and be ready instead of getting a page out of the blue wanting people to come in quick.

currently we struggle to get people to come is as everyone is already committed doing there other work.

what are your thoughts


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