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Messages - kat

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Country Fire Service / Re: The State Logo
« on: October 14, 2005, 02:50:50 PM »
A rebellion will not work.
But a well thought out, well supported & constructive case may have some effect.

Oh, killjoy, a rebellion is so much more fun :-)

Sage words, maybe the climate is right for such a campaign now. A well thought our, well supportive and constructive case fell on deaf ears at the time! Mainly though because we were PROMISED that the star was still the go for uniforms, appliances, stations etc and that the corporate thing was for letterheads etc.

Later it snuck on to the appliances etc.

But why now are they enforcing it's use on things we've had control over up until now (like helmets - we've been able to buy star helmet stickers in the small or large size and shirts)??

Country Fire Service / Re: Deployment Uniforms
« on: October 14, 2005, 02:36:47 PM »
Hey - we were told before we left we had to wear at least the pants!!

Country Fire Service / Re: The State Logo
« on: October 13, 2005, 11:53:32 AM »
Can't help you there - our Brigade has never put the taxi logo on anything including the appliances (although "P" came with the yellow cab thing, so that has one).

Country Fire Service / Re: The State Logo
« on: October 12, 2005, 08:28:44 PM »

I thought the comp was run through the VFBA and if so (in the climate of the time) no wonder noone saw it.

As an active VFBA committee person at the time I only heard of it after it had been decided.

Stuart Ellis was a long time supporter of the star which he personally preferred. He said to me at the time that the new logo was what the "vollies" (which I took to mean VFBA) wanted.

Maybe someone may remember what really happened??

Country Fire Service / Re: You'll Pay, Black Tuesday Victims To Sue CFS
« on: October 12, 2005, 08:18:22 PM »
Glad to hear the organisation is there for you :-)

I don't think many of us really understand how horrendous it must be living and working in your community at the moment.

Stay strong.

SA Firefighter General / Re: Newy
« on: October 12, 2005, 08:13:28 PM »
Welcome Anne.

There are many things that go toward making a good Officer and CFS experience is just one part of that. People and management skills are among these and are skills that can be gained outside of CFS.

I know some of you guys come from Brigades where there are many people itching to have a shot at these roles but there are many, many Brigades out there where it is a real struggle to find people willing to commit to them.

This year was the first year ever that we had only one nomination for each position. A few years back we had up to 6 up for every position . Makes for a long night the way the regs state the elections need to be run. (ie: six nominees leave, rest vote, bottom vote getter rejoins voters and is part of the next vote for the 5 left, etc etc for the 4 then the 3 then the 2!!!!!!!!!)

Country Fire Service / Re: RCR Resource Directory
« on: October 11, 2005, 04:32:36 PM »
Yes, well, you CAN turn yourself out to an MVA IF you happen to be aware of it (doesn't need to have anything leaking). But the real question is why are the other services not following the memorandum of understanding? And at least out here in small country townsville we would look pretty "tossy" pulling up and turning ourselves out to an incident that the local, well respected coppers (that we don't wanna upset)tell us we're not required at.

I have seen the ambos working around and in a rolled over car without fire cover and think surely this is an OH&S issue for them?

Country Fire Service / Re: CFS training night
« on: October 11, 2005, 04:11:57 PM »
Could you offer to run a session for your Brigade to help out the enthusiasm thing? Just a thought - don't make it TOO flash or complicated if there's not much happening at your training at the moment - the older, less enthusiastic members may switch off to it :-)

I honestly don't think that if enthusiasm is waning for training (rhymes!) that it equates to people "not giving a rats". It is hard to continually have interesting and useful training sessions on a long term basis and it involves time commitment to planning and preparation.

Also when you've been to training every week for 10, 15, 20 years or so seriously it is hard to get overly enthused and motivated sometimes!

Country Fire Service / Re: You'll Pay, Black Tuesday Victims To Sue CFS
« on: October 11, 2005, 03:59:50 PM »
It is a sad cultural trend to need to blame someone or something when things go wrong.

I think Captcom is spot on with the theory that people are trying to deal with their own guilt feelings.

Try to keep your heads high as CFS and Community members! I sincerely hope (no evidence?) that the service is working tirelessly to support the vollies of the EP.

Country Fire Service / Re: The State Logo
« on: October 11, 2005, 03:52:31 PM »
Well, I thought I was passionate about this issue  :wink:

I would like to respect the views of those (weirdos) that do support the "corporate" logo - I just haven't found one yet. LOL

Country Fire Service / Re: Rest In Peace - Fred Kerr
« on: October 11, 2005, 03:47:45 PM »
Every member and the general community has benefited from the efforts of this amazing man.

Also never had the opportunity to meet him but he wrote a wonderful letter to the Volunteer some years back in a reply to a letter I wrote in sipport of the history of our fire star.

Condolences to family and friends.

SA Firefighter General / Re: Early start to Fire Season
« on: October 11, 2005, 03:42:49 PM »
Four calls where you made a difference is worth 400 stop calls :-)

SA Firefighter General / Re: is this a record????
« on: October 11, 2005, 03:40:54 PM »
Considering something like one in three appliances never made it to Ash Wednesday due to "technical difficulties" - don't think it would be a comfort :-)

But maybe a comfort to have a firie or two thats been around that long!

Country Fire Service / Re: CFS training night
« on: October 09, 2005, 12:55:09 PM »
Every Thursday, occasional Sunday arvo.

SA Firefighter General / Re: Early start to Fire Season
« on: October 08, 2005, 02:09:56 PM »
With the chainsaw training - I believe in the past some prior training has been recognised by CFS and put in the system. So if you have members in the Brigade with a qualification they can forward it to State Training Centre to see if it meets their stringent requirements.

We're as busy now as we are normally as the lions's share of our work is motor vehicle related and this is the weather for it!

Other Government Agencies / Re: What the SES does
« on: October 07, 2005, 02:11:05 PM »
In the areas we serve I think the reverse is actually true. The public perception is that the CFS does bushfires and nothing else. They believe SES does all rescue.

Murray Bridge MFS has very limted rescue capabilities and is only the town response. Murray Bridge SES do all the surrounding areas (ie freeway) and therefore the lions share of rescue in that area.

Tailem Bend CFS covers 1st rescue halfway to MB, halfway to Coonalpyn (CFS Rescue), halfway to Meningie (SES Rescue), halfway to Karoonda (CFS Rescue) and halfway to Lameroo (CFS Rescue) (over 50km). But most of the people in this area would not generally be aware CFS does rescue.

Country Fire Service / Re: RCR Resource Directory
« on: October 07, 2005, 02:03:29 PM »
Our local cops aknow us well and are excellent but I think they try not to "bother us" if it's deemed unecesary. Also it's more often than not cops from the next larger town where there are way too many to get to know :-)

Ozfire I'm glad your Region are prepared to follow it up to that extent. Perhaps we should try again - has been passed on to the Region through Group for raising many times in the (distant) past.

All Equipment discussion / Re: new level 3 gear (LION)
« on: October 06, 2005, 11:41:07 AM »
On the urban/rural, rural/urban, rural thing.

When the SFEC document was last released each Brigade had what is called a Brigade Prescription which specfies what rating they are, what their ratings in the three areas (structural, special, urban) is, what equipment, resources and levels of training are required. We are prescribed lots of things that we don't have (as I am sure many others are) so it is not a magic recipe to receive resources galore. A lot of Brigades consider themselves urban/rural and may say that they are (and I'm sure they're morally justified) but there are actually very few "officially" and they're not all 200+ response stations - far from it.

Is HV Rescue or Hazmat? If they don't have these risks to cover their special service rating is probably fairly low. Also being EMA means that they have ready access to specialist resources?? I'm not sure how EMA affects the risk ratings but I would guess the risks are attributed to the red truck Brigade. The formulas many many years ago were done from insurance data, incident history and many factors like that but I'm hard pressed to ascertain how they've been updated and what goes down with them now.

Other Government Agencies / Re: What the SES does
« on: October 06, 2005, 11:14:25 AM »
The CFS attended 1686 motor vehicle accident incidents in  2002/2003 from the annual report (sorry not to be more recent but the 03/04 link from the CFS web page resulted in the .pdf version of the 02/03 report which took so long to come up that I didn't have the heart to try the 02/03 link and see if it yielded the 03/04 report)

This is incidents, not Brigade turnouts.

The total of incidents attended for 02/03 was given as 8079 with 13518 brigade responses.

I guess like us the 720 RCR jobs you've quoted included any motor vehicle accident whether actual extrication involving rescue equipment was needed. From our 1686 MVA incidents attended in 02/03, 191 were listed as "rescue".

Country Fire Service / Re: Experience markings
« on: October 06, 2005, 10:26:52 AM »
They could have been on to something there.

We all seem to want to look professional, like our sister service,but we don't see them running around with boy scout badges on.

Self examination time - is there not a slight desire among some to say, look at me, I have skills you don't. Could this be a reason that some would really like this system rather than operational reasons. Not that there's anything at all wrong with being proud of the training you have undertaken.

Country Fire Service / Re: RCR Resource Directory
« on: October 06, 2005, 10:19:41 AM »
Question is though...

who actually "polices" the following of this directory.

Wish I had a dollar for every accident that happens around here that we are not called to. Many of them have had not only police but ambulance in attendance.

And what about where the "other" rescue service calls the nearest rescue unit from their own service when they require assistance, bypassing one if not two closer CFS rescue resources?

Country Fire Service / Re: Uniforms - Blue Workshirts!!!
« on: October 06, 2005, 10:13:26 AM »
Funny isn't it?

Not one member of our Brigade has EVER had the taxi logo on their helmets.

The pre logo appliance still proudly wears the star.

Now I know this is an old, richly debated topic, but WHO actually does like the "corporate" logo?

Country Fire Service / Re: cost of fuel
« on: September 29, 2005, 02:22:38 PM »
Just trying to comply with the reasonable request of the List Administrator as per the previous post quoted below:

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Country Fire Service / Re: RCR Resource Directory
« on: September 29, 2005, 02:04:42 PM »
Dunno, seemed operator thought that because MVA was car vs cow that fire service was not required. Long, scary story but really, this issue has been resolved.

All Equipment discussion / Re: fire extinguisher service
« on: September 29, 2005, 01:56:38 PM »
What's Brigade workload got to do with how often the extinguishers are serviced? If they're used of course they are immediately recharged but as a first aid type fire measure I've very, very rarely used one at an incident.

Interesting that AS says every six months, it was Region who advised that 12 months was more than adequate.

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