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Messages - jaff

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SA Firefighter General / Re: Interesting Fire and Emergency Related Paging
« on: September 16, 2009, 05:35:33 PM »
Jet A-1, and there probably a store of it somewhere in the town.  As for how they get it there's probably a procedure setup so they can access it whenever.

There are several Brigades around that provide a 'fuel dump' for the helicopters.  Mostly Brigades who are on the fringe of where the choppers' fuel capacitiy limits.  My Brigade used to have a dump.

There are several brigades that I can think of that would a dump! :-D

Country Fire Service / Re: Region 1 group boundary rationalisation proposal
« on: September 15, 2009, 09:51:19 PM »
Well if they want 6 groups they can staff them with paid staff and leave us vols to fight the fires, you can't expect a volly to manage a super group..........

Here we go already now Darrens group is a "super group", well I bet my group will be superer, maybe even the superest! :-D

Country Fire Service / Region 1 group boundary rationalisation proposal
« on: September 15, 2009, 09:26:09 AM »
MODS suggest you create another thread "Region 1 group boundary rationalisation proposal" as the current flavour of this thread has changed from original post and this current subject will gather steam!
Burnside being part of East Torrens should stop the nuff nuffs fighting! :-D

Country Fire Service / Region 1 group boundary rationalisation proposal
« on: September 15, 2009, 12:01:08 AM »
Eeeerrr... and isnt the latest that east torrens gets disolved and merged with other groups in the giant reshuffle anyway? Then you can all be friends, no little empires to protect.

You must have waaaaaaaaay different mail too mine!

Country Fire Service / Re: Burnside Responding into East Torrens Group
« on: September 14, 2009, 12:03:52 AM »
We dont hate them as much as you think  :-D im sure everyone has something against them.

Edster, ignorance breeds hate, think for yourself and don't get caught up in historical bulllshit, its just that, historical bulllshit!

Besides Burnside will be part of East Torrens group one day! :mrgreen:

Country Fire Service / Re: Burnside Responding into East Torrens Group
« on: September 13, 2009, 11:52:15 PM »
Maybe it's time to look at another option like getting another brigade in east torrens kitted with rapid intervention?


Edstar, for your brigade, Norton Summit,     Your "northern" RCR brigade is Athelstone, your "Central/West/East" is Burnside, and "Southern" is Stirling.  Simple??..response plans DONE.

Topic complete.   sorry, i just hear this rant a gazzlions times already.


Probably a first Zippy, but I totally agree with your post, they have a name for events like this its called a ................anomaly! :-D

SAAS / Re: anyone hear this one on the radio?
« on: September 11, 2009, 10:01:57 AM »
Just out of interest what age do they stop being a St John junior/cadet?

 :wink:............ :-o........... :evil:

SA Firefighter General / Re: ambos and firefighters
« on: September 03, 2009, 09:11:49 AM »
I've got friends and family in both paid and volunteer Fire Services, Police and the Ambulance Service.

Pretty funny some of the conversations at BBQ's but firey's volunteer or paid are just considered as drip stands with a little intelligence to my Ambo friends.

Yeh if were not in "our hero zone" its tough! :wink:

asked when needed most?  - like what exactly? 

Besides having the ability to tarp up houses, stabilise a structure or sandbag - their only other talents seem to extend to mass meal production and management during fires....but that seems to be only after its been declared a major incident and the purse strings are open.....

noooo bad Boredy....SES gave that job to the Salvos a few years back....and Spamelot Castle was born :) they do however graciously deliver meals to us out in the hero zone occasionally, which is always appreciated

"Deliver meals into the hero zone" that has to be the biggest gong beater comment of the year!

Hey Captain PC, chill out and feel the water!


7 It is unfortunate that some on this forum believe that any untrained filtered wit can do the tasks that SES do, including SAR, storm damage etc. However SES has a responsibility to ensure that its people are competent- regardless of their unit name or location.

Just for the record Chook, I have never said that any "untrained filtered wit",
can do the job of the SES! Also just for the record I have met some untrained filtered wits from the SES.......and yes quite a few from every other service...some would say I qualify for this title, but hopefully never to my face!

What I will continue to bleet about is any service that doesnt do the right thing ie "CLOSEST MOST APPROPRIATE RESOURCE"

Unlike what you say Chook, this will not be my last post on this subject...BLEET ON !

The system we have now is excellent, why would you bother local volunteers with the correct equipment and training to go to local events, when we can call in other volunteers from miles and miles away. :wink:
Bugger the public "We pay our taxes and levies and waa waa waa" you can just hear it now!

"WAKE UP SERVICES" get over protecting your duties and patch and serve the friggin public properly......FARKKK this shitte is wrong!

Can anyone of you think of any rational friggin reason for not using the closest most appropriate resource? If you can think of one, perhaps take a Blooody good look at yourself and ask whether you are still in it for the right reasons! :evil: and if you still think its valid.
Then put your reasons up here if you think they are still noble and let the masses give you another perhaps reasoned perspective! and maybe a reality friggin check  :x put "Mr Angry" in here coz I couldnt find "Mr Can O Whooparsee"

Still waiting for the rational reasons as to why the closest most appropriate response is not sent!
Not bored Chook, just sick of stupidity!

It is sometimes quite amusing reading everyone statements about empires, training levels, conspiracy theories, etc. I am glad I was delayed in reading this thread due to callouts so I get a great laugh....

*** My personal knowledge only & not ofofficial from SES ***

sigh!......SACAD....SACAD, where for art thou SACAD!

If the chainsaw doesnt work theres always an axe or wood splitter if both are sharp enough  :lol:

Robert you could use them to cut down that tree in your backyard and get your kite back! :wink:

The system we have now is excellent, why would you bother local volunteers with the correct equipment and training to go to local events, when we can call in other volunteers from miles and miles away. :wink:
Bugger the public "We pay our taxes and levies and waa waa waa" you can just hear it now!

"WAKE UP SERVICES" get over protecting your duties and patch and serve the friggin public properly......FARKKK this shitte is wrong!

Can anyone of you think of any rational friggin reason for not using the closest most appropriate resource? If you can think of one, perhaps take a Blooody good look at yourself and ask whether you are still in it for the right reasons! :evil: and if you still think its valid.
Then put your reasons up here if you think they are still noble and let the masses give you another perhaps reasoned perspective! and maybe a reality friggin check  :x put "Mr Angry" in here coz I couldnt find "Mr Can O Whooparsee"

A Third will happen.  The "3 Similar events in a short space of time theory" ;)

Zippy's got crystal baaaallllls, Zippy's got crystal baaaallllls! :-D

Country Fire Service / Re: vaccum continues in staff ranks
« on: August 21, 2009, 12:50:53 AM »
Heard a lil rumour "warp factor 5,she'll no take it cap'n"

SA Firefighter General / Re: 2009 Vic Bushfire Inquiry
« on: August 12, 2009, 05:53:10 PM »
And thats what one of the P's in PPRR is, prepare & that includes educating the "great unwashed". Maybe the problem is the slogan "Protecting the community" - it gives a feeling of "don't worry the CFS will protect us!
Maybe the slogan should read "Helping the community to prepare & protect itself".
From what I have seen the volunteers in the CFA (in areas directly affected by the fires) feel abandoned, betrayed & neglected by their senior officers. So I'm surprised that some on this forum are happy the chiefs kept their jobs considering the findings have not been released yet. Yes there were numerous issues with members of the public not being prepared etc, but the question needs to be asked Why weren't they & someone still needs to take responsibility for what happened. And before some of you start jumping up & down, remember that when you hold yourself up as the "protector" or "expert" then you need to be held accountable when it all turns to filtered!

Lets put mother nature on the stand and hold her accountable! Lets put God on the stand and hold him accountable!
Then fire their omnipotent asssses.
(quote)So I am suprised there are some people on the forum happy the chiefs have kept their jobs?........because the findings havent been released yet, thats why. Legal procedures "innocent until proven guilty"

Have those freaken mexicans done your head in again Chook? :evil:

SA Firefighter General / Re: 2009 Vic Bushfire Inquiry
« on: August 11, 2009, 11:58:50 PM »
I agree.
I guess at some point though, someone has to explain fire behaviour & etc to the Great Unwashed.
While it would be nice to hope that HQ will do that, the reality is that we, the fire-
fighters, are the only ones with street cred for people to listen to.


Alan where did you get your cred from? Ive been back over all my certificates and checked my TAS,and NO STREET CRED.
Group training officer can look forward to a phone call reeeeel early tomorrow as I try to get into the street cred training course PUA174CRED!

Cheers Jaff

Country Fire Service / Re: boring old topics
« on: August 07, 2009, 12:38:34 AM »
the only boring thing around here are the purists who don't have a sense of humour that gets in the way of people having a crack!

Bordey did you get it wrong on purpose? I gather what you meant to say was

the only boring thing around here are the police who dont have a sense of humour that gets in the way of people having crack!

 :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D plop

Country Fire Service / Re: boring old topics
« on: August 06, 2009, 11:36:17 AM »
You talk a good game Desert dweller..................WELLLLL where are YOUR new topics/posts? :wink:

SA Firefighter General / Re: Accidents are they real?
« on: July 31, 2009, 12:43:39 PM »
Firefrog and chook, me thinks maybe you boys ought to think about changing vocations to........spin doctors! :evil:

No your Honour, " I did not lie, I simply failed to tell the truth" :wink:

Most times ducks are ducks!, not sleek chickens, not cosmopolitan geese, not understated peacocks, .....they're just freaking ducks    DO    YA    GET IT! :-D :-D

Country Fire Service / Re: New BA Course Internal and External
« on: July 25, 2009, 11:35:04 PM »

Hear Hear!

The dumbing down of courses is very much an insult to the ability, and potential the service has as a whole for urban AND rural protection.

Why would you need to differentiate? If you have an issue going anywhere near a fire, perhaps BA is not for you, not some halfarsed attempt at dividing BA. Its the same theory on wearing it, just different firefighting techniques once the PPE is in place (I say this loosely, mind.)

HAZMAT is just as bad. Having been to enough jobs with HAZMAT brigades where the operators understand VERY LITTLE of chemistry, and therefore have donned inappropriate PPE, as well as managed to misread plaques, and waste 24 hours due to not understanding that something was so dilute after a time, dumping TONNES of another substance into it was going to create more issues seems like a problem also.

How about we teach some ADEQUATE materials, and people who don't want the responsibility of acting as a BA operator in full stop putting up hands and wasting positions for those who do.

Requirements need to be seriously reviewed, BA operators should be prepared to wear if the situation requires it, more urban techniques need to be taught THOROUGHLY, as opposed to crammed into CABA and CFB courses, and the operators for HAZMAT need to have at least a basic grasp of chemistry.

I agree with a little of what you said whitestuff, BUT are you now seriously suggesting that all HAZMAT operators need to have their high school diplomas in chemistry....if so I think you should have paid a little bit more attention in sex ed, not chemistry :wink:
You need a red helmet not a purple one.

Country Fire Service / Re: New BA Course Internal and External
« on: July 22, 2009, 06:49:40 PM »

Maybe that's why Euan wants to cut the CFS back to an only rural service... ;)

Not only that, but apparentley Euan fixed the result on Masterchef so Julie would win! :wink: you heard it here first!

Country Fire Service / Re: New BA Course Internal and External
« on: July 21, 2009, 02:55:25 PM »
So there going to be........ sorta like bellybuttons.......some are innies, some are outties.....baaahaahaa I crack me up  :-D

The Humour Zone / Re: Blonde Joke
« on: July 13, 2009, 03:50:40 PM »
sorry but i have to say i love hazmats and hate to admit it, it took me awhile to get it the fist time i read it. mmm the joys of being blonde

Is this like a joke or which previous post does it relate to? I don;t get it.. :?

Bittenyakka dyes his hair! :-D

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