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Messages - Scania_1

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SAMFS / Re: Mt Gambier MFS going full time
« on: November 11, 2006, 09:00:55 AM »
Well the thing is there will be 6 people in total. Most of the time there may be one person on leave and that would leave 5 but if someone is away sick or whatever there will be 4. But of course if there is 5 there then yes one will stay to do radio initially at least at there are only 4 seats on the Scania.

Hypotheticals / Re: Hypothetical Hazmat
« on: November 10, 2006, 04:31:17 PM »
When I was in the CFS in Para group we were told to do the quick grab in your ppe and you should be ok. I questioned that technique as you dont know what you are going into and water might not be enough to save you if you only have ppe/BA. Remembering the look after number 1 rule. Of course if you have the hazmat gear you take the time to put it on and then go in just to be sure.

Hypotheticals / Hypothetical Hazmat
« on: November 10, 2006, 01:51:28 PM »
Heres one. You are responded to a hazmat job along with a hazmat brigade/appliance from some distance away. On arrival you notice that there is a person that has been overcome by a mystery substance. You can see them but they are a bit of a distance away and you think you saw them flinch. You cannot smell anything but know that something isnt right. The hazmat appliance is 15 minutes away and you think that may be too long. What do you do??
1-put a BA set along with just your nomex/PBI and go in ?
2-Wait till the hazmat gear/operators arrive to be sure ?

SA Firefighter General / Brigade Drivers
« on: November 10, 2006, 01:46:48 PM »
Just wondering how most brigades are off for applaince drivers? Noticed a few brigades from time to time send pages out for driver required urgently or no appliance responded due to lack of drivers. The last brigade(s) I was in had plenty of drivers as some of them did it for their work. Some groups have been able to allocate money to assist members in getting their MR licence so they had more drivers. This is a good idea as long as people dont take advantage of it and then leave on you.

SAMFS / Re: Mt Gambier MFS going full time
« on: November 10, 2006, 01:41:50 PM »
That hasnt been worked out yet Robert. There may only be enough crew to man the first appliance so the comms may go initially through Adelaide until someone arrives from the retained crew to open the local comms. Mt Gambier will not have a 5th person to ride in charge of the 2nd Appliance like Pirie do. They have a Senior Firey who does that or comms. Mt Gambier will only have a Station Ofiicer and one or two crew leaders on station and maybe only 4 people on some days.

All Equipment discussion / Re: What do you carry in your PPC?
« on: November 08, 2006, 05:19:37 PM »
-Safety glasses
-rigger gloves
-surgi gloves
-structural gloves
-short piece of rope
-flash hood
-personal disposable face mask ( for cpr)
and now an electronic tag for the new BA sets to log me on...

SA Firefighter General / Re: MFS #1
« on: November 07, 2006, 12:50:50 PM »
How can such a BS topic get 37 replies??

SAMFS / Re: Mt Gambier MFS going full time
« on: November 05, 2006, 07:22:24 PM »
A current SO from Adelaide has been appointed to Mt Gambier.

SAMFS / Re: Mt Gambier MFS going full time
« on: November 05, 2006, 09:15:33 AM »
Actually its the 2nd of January as they wont be working on public holidays.

SAMFS / Re: Mt Gambier MFS going full time
« on: November 04, 2006, 03:44:06 PM »
Apparently some of the calls station 50 get come in on a local phone line. Ours will come through town on the pagers just like now.

SAMFS / Re: Mt Gambier MFS going full time
« on: November 04, 2006, 03:19:07 PM »
Dont know what will be happenning with training yet. The full timers will be doing most/all of their training during the day. Will see what the new SO will want to do when he starts. Our station will be nothing like Pirie (hopefully) with only day staffing at this stage.

SAMFS / Re: Mt Gambier MFS going full time
« on: November 02, 2006, 06:56:27 PM »
 Re: Mt Gambier MFS going full time
« Reply #133 on: October 31, 2006, 11:05:40 PM »   


so when is lincoln going full time with all its false calls

Since the invention of fire alarms in 18??  we have been going to false alarms you know. Doesnt mean we dont need fire services.

SA Firefighter General / Re: Speeding Past Emergency Vehicles
« on: November 02, 2006, 04:56:55 PM »
Heard recently that they were planning on changing the speed limit past emergency vehicles with flashing lights to 25 kmh. May be better to leave it at 40 cos most dont even slow down to that.

Incident Operations / Re: Wail sirens dogs starts dogs howling
« on: November 01, 2006, 12:41:21 PM »
A couple years back a friend was a senior at Seaford and was with him when the pager dropped for a domestic at Maslin beach the then captain put me on the truck as OIC i had no PPE with me

Should you be going out on an appliance with no PPE??

SAMFS / Re: MFS pagers
« on: October 31, 2006, 03:20:30 PM »
When I said that the MFS mdt`s were superseded technology I mean they are 80`s technology. The units in the appliances can only send basic messages and status changes back to the commcen. Any new system will probably be similar but different to what SAPOL use. Will allow much more capacity for the officers out in the appliances.

« on: October 31, 2006, 02:33:58 PM »
The old Belair pumper has suffered a breakdown and you would have to look at how major the job is before you poured money into a 20 year old appliance. Not worth spending big money on such an old workhorse. Apparently the old Cudlee Creek Merc has suffered some major problems and owing to it being 22 years old it will be disposed of.

Incident Operations / Re: Wail sirens dogs starts dogs howling
« on: October 31, 2006, 01:15:06 PM »
When I was a kid our dog used to howl like crazy when the town fire siren went.LOL

Hypotheticals / Re: Responding Appliances
« on: October 31, 2006, 01:10:23 PM »
ANyway I should just shut up and let someone come up with a real hypothetical.

Hypotheticals / Re: Responding Appliances
« on: October 30, 2006, 04:50:25 PM »
Yeah the CFS stations are further away than the BRT station. BTW this was a real job and guess what the MFS didnt get invited but CFS further away were called.

Hypotheticals / Re: Responding Appliances
« on: October 29, 2006, 04:59:21 PM »
Well 2 BA operators is a crew when I went to school so at least you have an emergency crew and/or changeover crew.

Hypotheticals / Re: Responding Appliances
« on: October 29, 2006, 01:33:14 PM »
Who said anything about Mt Gambier? You shouldnt be commiting BA operators to a job without an emeregency BA crew on scene or at least coming. That was my point.

Hypotheticals / Re: Responding Appliances
« on: October 29, 2006, 09:16:28 AM »
Members of the public dont really care what color the fire truck is. LOL

SA Firefighter General / Re: Fergy wanted dead
« on: October 28, 2006, 09:41:49 PM »
is this the book you are talking about rob
Author: Collins Paul

Tells powerful and moving personal stories of loss and survival of bushfires in Australia since European settlement. Collins challenges many of the accepted environmental practices regarding bushfire control.

Hypotheticals / Responding Appliances
« on: October 28, 2006, 07:35:48 PM »
Here`s a question for you. You are the OIC of a CFS appliance heading to a house fire. You are told that there have been mulitple calls and you have an appliance from another station responding also. You have minimal crew and only 2 BA operators, the other appliance responding has only one BA operator. You get there to find that the house is quite high and your ladders wont reach the roof and the house is burning well.
After hearing all this would you request a big red truck (BRT) to back you up?? Rembering that the crew of that appliance will have a big ladder and a crew of BA operators and that the BRT is only 5-10 minutes away and closer than any other CFS resources.
If you say no, you wouldnt request it I would ask you why not?

SAMFS / Re: MFS pagers
« on: October 28, 2006, 06:44:18 PM »
Mobile Data Terminal. It receives the same information as the pagers basically. The officer of the appliance then can send their status back to comms. Mobile,arrived , available etc. They are a superseded technology now and the service is looking at a replacement.

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