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Messages - Tone7

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SA Firefighter General / Re: I'M SAFE
« on: October 31, 2006, 09:49:55 PM »
Its to cover ones back side the "im safe" message. 

So at the end of the day if something happens and your brigade or unit makes it policy or something and you attended the call and something happens... Have something to come back on. Blah blah you know the story.

plus it does give people a good reminder if its stuck up around the place that hey should i really be on this call out since i just gave birth 24 hrs ago... hehehehe

People only have one thing in mind when that pager goes off and its not thinking about themself at time. 

I'll put my hand up and say i have done it many of times, but learning. 

SA Firefighter General / Re: I'M SAFE
« on: October 29, 2006, 12:15:24 AM »
What do people think about this checklist???

Am I fit to attend this incident?


M – Medication – Am I under the effect of any medication?

If you’re NOT fit to go,
It’s OK to say “NO”!

I would hope that some of the people ARE under the effect of their medication...otherwise, for many, there is no point in taking their medication, if it doesn't control whatever it is they are taking their medication for.

And before anyone starts saying those people shouldn't be on the fireground, there are many people who take medication for a diagnosed condition, which is appropriately dealt with by medication, and as a result, are able to work safely on the fireground........

You don't necessarily know those people take medication, because it doesn't pose a problem for them, or others!!


True Pip,

More to the point of the warnings of prescription medications eg, do not operate heavy machinery, or the other one this may cause drowsiness dont kown of any other warnings...

SA Firefighter General / I'M SAFE
« on: October 28, 2006, 08:53:31 PM »
What do people think about this checklist???

Am I fit to attend this incident?


I – Illness/Injury – Am I Sufficiently Recovered?

M – Medication – Am I under the effect of any medication?

S – Stress – Am I under severe stress from work or personal worries?

A – Alcohol/Drugs – Am I under the influence or badly hung over?

F - Fatigue – Am I tired and not adequately rested?

E – Expertise – Am I currently competent?

If you’re NOT fit to go,
It’s OK to say “NO”!

SAMFS / Re: This is a joke!
« on: October 28, 2006, 08:10:18 PM »
well pumpresuce

what program should we bring in to fix this problem or PR issue

SAMFS / Re: This is a joke!
« on: October 28, 2006, 08:01:53 PM »

gee 2 ppl got up on the wrong side of the bed today.

SAMFS / Re: This is a joke!
« on: October 28, 2006, 06:41:36 PM »
Linc24p if you get out of your shell a bit and come to the real world, do you know that the person called 000, often elderly people contact the fire service on admin numbers to query what they should do if they have no one else, it is PR to go and assist when available to do so. Looking at that page it is Mt Gambier who are not on station so they have to be paged anyway. Do you know your neighbours? Mt Gambier is a country city and they may not have family there, why should an elderly person let a stranger in their house to change a battery, that person could do anything, they trust the fire service and it comforts them to know they give a rats. If you dont want to be in the job be it perm/retained/vol for that sort of things, you just want the big flames and hero status time to walk brother...

Well brother its time to get off your soap box.

big flames, hero status...HA  umm well no not actually you mainly find me behind a radio in GCC, or off with IMT, or drivin the big white truck or the many of other jobs i do.. so brother dont get on your soap box too quick..

Plus maybe read the topics we have moved on from the little old lady and discussin what programs could be put in place or what we can do about it.

SA Firefighter General / Re: Ammusing pager message.
« on: October 28, 2006, 12:05:39 PM »
they must of got a good jobie.  :-D

Country Fire Service / Re: Innovations
« on: October 28, 2006, 11:51:14 AM »
ya making it too hard..  sub committee..??  this innovations idea will end up breaking the budget before it gets started.....   just keep in mind ppl's travel its not just an sadelaide thing.

SAMFS / Re: MFS Comm Cen
« on: October 28, 2006, 11:46:10 AM »
yes china  :mrgreen:

*eyes where glued open at that time of morning when i posted that*

SAMFS / Re: This is a joke!
« on: October 28, 2006, 01:37:35 AM »
maybe the council needs to set up a program or better yet send out a 9v battery with you rates and taxes...  :evil:

SAMFS / Re: MFS Comm Cen
« on: October 28, 2006, 01:34:05 AM »
:evil: Cant wait until they move SACAD to Chain for dispatch  :evil:

Cheap labour over there these days isn't it???

SA Firefighter General / Re: Help us stay online
« on: October 28, 2006, 01:28:42 AM »
So how is the help us to stay online going?

I would be able to assit with domain space if needed on a server has no bandlimit or space limit.

SA Firefighter General / Re: Fergy wanted dead
« on: October 28, 2006, 01:25:16 AM »
Does this mean that local CFS brigades are at risk?

Personally i have had a few nasty comments in the community one coz i was wearing my CFS Shirt....

I know our lovely regional staff are now in a fish bowl :cry:

Country Fire Service / Re: Innovations
« on: October 28, 2006, 01:15:26 AM »
Reason why i dont want other agencies or SAFECOM involved is because if you have too many different inputs into the committee you may as well not set up the committee because ideas will get shot down again.  90% of the time ideas are shot down because they either dont like change, they are too old to understand, or dont like technology.  No offense.

We need people on the committee that are willing for change, willing to investergate ideas.  Think we need one volunteer rep from each region and maybe 2 paid staff. Meet every 6 weeks or 3 mths. whats your ideas on how the committee should be set up?

Other services need to form their own committee i think for there own needs.

Country Fire Service / Re: Innovations
« on: October 28, 2006, 01:02:18 AM »
Exactly what i was talking about bittenyakka   :-D

Couldnt put it better myself pip you hit the nail on the head...  :mrgreen:

Country Fire Service / Re: Innovations
« on: October 27, 2006, 09:36:40 PM »
Money, trust me... some times some ideas can actually change the way something is done and save heaps of money...

But as for a project... if the idea is good enough im sure the money would be around...

This forum is set up so your ideas get heard... NOT squashed at local levels.  Hell i have been trying to get a innovations team going for ages and everyone that i have spoken to and im sure everyone in this form will agree its a good idea but still the program isnt in place... Also this idea has been squashed at local level.

Go figures... so to get my other ideas off the ground.. im trying to get this to happen.... there is always a method to my madness.

As for SES or MFS... feel free to make your own committee... no offense im sticking to the KISS principal for this idea....

Evaluate that would be up to the committee to decide..

Country Fire Service / Innovations
« on: October 27, 2006, 02:08:18 PM »
Over the past few years I have come up with some pretty good ideas, but only to have them shot down either further up the ladder or right then and there.

I would like the CFS to set up an innovations Team

This team ideally would consist of 2 paid staff and 4 volunteers.  The role of this team would be to research the idea/s, costing, feasibility, and report directly to the CEO.
How I envisage the program to be set up is, that a standard form is brought out asking information about the idea etc… this form goes directly to the committee to discuss and research the idea further.  If the idea isn’t feasible or doesn’t meet a certain criteria then a letter is sent back to the individual.

The whole process would have a time frame to adhere to.

This would allow all people who have an idea a way of having them fairly heard.  Therefore giving the people a voice that perhaps otherwise would be ignored.

SAMFS / Re: This is a joke!
« on: October 24, 2006, 10:15:34 AM »

please tell me once where i said where i said i wouldnt help an older person changing the battery.  000 is not a community involved program for changing battery's.  I dont have a ladder does that give me the right to ring 000 and ask MFS to come around... no it doesnt.  000 is for emergency calls only hell why do you think sapol brought out the 13 number to call them on.. because they where getting too many calls via 000 that where non emergency.

My community spirit has gone no where neither has my cfs mission statement.

I know what im trying to say but its just not coming out rite.

1.  000 is for emergency calls only??
2.  People that need a smoke alarm battery replaced should try and exhaust all other options first before calling and emergency service.
3.  If they need to call out an emergency service maye we need to set up a SA wide number or they need to call their local brigade direct on training night, or something..

I dont know... any ideas or suggestions??  im not here to attack ppl

SAMFS / Re: This is a joke!
« on: October 23, 2006, 11:07:14 PM »
Family?? Friend?? Next door Neighbors???

Plus i even bet that call came over on 000 so no camo you get a life and get over it... One rule for everyone, smoke dectors are not our problem to maintain

SA Firefighter General / Re: Grants
« on: October 22, 2006, 05:46:22 PM »
National Emergency Volunteer Support Fund (NEVSF)

The National Emergency Volunteer Support Fund provides grants to fund projects that boost recruitment, retention and training strategies of volunteer organisations at the frontline of emergency management and, within guidelines established by State emergency management authorities, fund capital equipment. 

A notional cap of $50,000 (plus GST) is available for each individual grant. However, this cap may be exceeded if the project is considered to be cost effective with measurable high value returns to the volunteer organisation and the community.

Grants are available under the National Emergency Volunteer Support Fund to member agencies of the Australian Emergency Management Volunteer Forum (AEMVF) and any agencies that have a defined role in State or Territory Response and Recovery Plans. 

Eligible Projects
Priority will be given to projects submitted by agencies which seek funding for particular strategies that enhance recruitment, retention and training of volunteers in emergency management agencies.  Applications for funding of capital equipment will also be considered.

Reviewing the list of projects that received funding for FY 2005/06, available at , will give you an indication of the type of projects eligible for grants under the National Emergency Volunteer Support Fund.

How to apply
Comprehensive Guidelines and an Application Form will be available from this website when Round 4 (FY 2007-08) opens for applications in mid-December 2006.

Further information
If  you would like further information about the National Emergency Volunteer Support Fund you may contact the Community Development Branch, Emergency Management Australia by e-mail [email protected] or phone (02) 6256 4608.

SAMFS / MFS Comm Cen
« on: October 22, 2006, 05:37:42 PM »
As you are aware MFS handle all MFS Dispatch and now all SES dispatch and already some CFS.  Soon all of CFS will be handed over to MFS dispatch.

Do you think MFS should be running the show or neutral party

SAMFS / This is a joke!
« on: October 22, 2006, 05:32:42 PM »
MFS - Mt. Gambier

This is a joke right?… These types of calls should be ignored by SAMFS and the person should be advised that emergency services are not used for this type of activity and they need to pay some one to come in and fix the issue.

I  understand we are here to help.  However I feel that people do abuse these services.  People don’t want to pay to get a tow out of a bog CFS and SES are not supposed to do tow jobs.  Fair enough if they are truly out in the middle of nowhere…or the weather is an issue, or a level of danger, not because they just don’t want to pay for someone to come get them out.

We got a job the other day in SES being a dual member the person wanted us to literally pick up her antenna and stand it back up for her just so she could watch dancing with the stars.  This is not our job, the house was not in danger, the antenna wasn’t going to fall threw the earth.  After 10 min of telling her that we had done all that we could she deemed our efforts not good enough. 

Im going to be pissed once SACAD is introduced to R6 and SAMFS start taking our calls.  I can’t wait until they move SACAD to some where they actually know what they are doing and start responding the right services to the right jobs.

I have nothing against our local MFS they are a great bunch of guys and they know what they are doing, plus most of them are ex CFS members.  I’m more than happy to work along side of them on a job……

Just the filtered higher up the ranks that know SFA… another classic example… lets pull in a IMT team from Adelaide on the Boston fires just recently..  what a heap of political crap that was… when Lincoln CFS already had this in place and were working with all services. All that I saw was required was for MFS to arrange another crew or two to man there trucks on crew change over…  why pull an IMT that has SFA idea on how country fires work and grrrrrrr I’m not even going to go there… WHAT a WASTE of MONEY!!

Once again another classic example was a tree fire 30km on Lincoln Hwy and Port Lincoln Fire was responded.. WHAT A JOKE… I can name 3 CFS brigades that are closer and that and will do it for free… By the way MFS didn’t respond it was reported to Tumby Bay CFS.

Country Fire Service / Re: Delays between MFS calling out CFS
« on: October 07, 2006, 12:53:29 AM »
There were probably three CFS brigades who were closer to the tree fire, than Lincoln MFS....  :cry:

On a slightly different topics, firefighter kiki mentions that working with the MFS wasn't so bad, the two services worked together well etc etc...that is good to is a pity that so many on this forum publicly bag both the MFS and SES, without having ever worked with them.

While in every service, (CFS included) you will always find a few people who are a pain to work with (or impossible to work with) however the bulk of people are good to work with.

MFS & SES members, and perhaps even members of the public / interstate services reading through this forum must wonder about the relationship between CFS and other service - I am sure the perception amongst many, from reading this forum, is that CFS as a whole hates MFS and SES, and that MFS & SES are just a bunch of arrogant idiots, according to CFS.  

This of course is far from the truth - but when anyone challenges the negative comments about other services, the standard answer from those posting the comments is "we were only joking"

CFS has tried hard in recent times to show ourselves as a professional service, with members who behave in a professional manner.  Publicly bagging other services is definately not professional.

Obviously there are genuine issues that arise between the services - delays in responding relevant services is one of those, - which can be discussed, without the discussion ending up as a bag MFS session.

Perhaps a little professionalism from some posters could be quite helpful, rather than the dribble that has been coming out lately.

Getting off soap box now

Funny you say that Pip,

the tree fire at Lincoln was 30km out of town the funny thing was there was a full crew standing in Lincoln shed just waiting for that call of course we range R6 to let them know.... But nothing... but then the information was incorrect and tumby went.

On the fire phone we normally receive calls for MFS FIRE and we take down all the detail and then dispatch MFS FIRE VIA SOC which communicate via them direct.... when they receive a call like that they dont care that its our area and just piss off to the job and ring us when they get to it... if we started doing that to them it would be world war filtered 4..

I cant wait until they put out a tender to take over SACAD for all services.  it will happen soon..

I will say our working relation ship with Lincoln fire is getting alot better and there has been alot of dual responses.  Just them idiots up in Sadelaide Fire that need to get off there soap box... 

Real funny story ... i went to light an incinerator out the back, did the right thing contacted SAPOL, contacted local Station officer at Lincoln mfs, told the neighbours and rang mfs comm cen and they told me i needed a permit to burn in the town and told me if i light up they would send the truck around... they got told very quickly... for paid staff not to know the rules.... makes me wonder if they actually know what they are doing....

BUT at the end of the day everyone keeps 4getting we are all here to do the same job and that our Core Task is "Public Safety" We all have the same minister!  Really at the end of the day i don't care what colour overalls are working next to me.

Im a dual member of two services.

SA Firefighter General / NEXT G
« on: October 07, 2006, 12:33:25 AM »
Hey guys,

For all that have CDMA in trucks and command cars.

Now available state wide as of today.

Telstra's Next G Network helps you stay connected to your music whenever you
need to. It's geographically the biggest 3G network in Australia, and faster
than any of our existing mobile networks. Next G allows you to stay in touch
with your friends and family in places where no other 3G service can keep
you connected. It also gives you fast access to FoxtelT by Mobile, ministry
of sound, heaps of games and downloads and CitysearchR Mobile, keeping you
up to date with the latest films, bars and restaurants, all at the touch of
a button.

Well mine is ordered im looking forward to it.

SA Firefighter General / Re: Grants
« on: October 02, 2006, 06:08:03 PM »
whats volSA grant?  Do you get 3k just for being a volunteer?

Up to 3k on a item. you will need to read terms and con on their website...

no its not 3k just for being a vollie.... i wish... applications are pretty easy and don't req a lot of paperwork.

Some grants can be quite complex.  If your brigade or group are after something specific that is going to requirer a large amount of funding let me know and i'll point you in the rite direction.

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