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Messages - Pipster

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Doesn't it come down to common sense - send the  nearest & most appropriate resource - something that has been discussed at length on this (and other) forums, and with what appears to be widespread agreement that on all levels, nearest & most appropriate resource be sent!


Country Fire Service / Re: Time for action
« on: January 25, 2010, 08:02:58 AM »
Some goes to SAPol & I think the Rescue Helicopter services......but the Government keeps that fairly quiet...

Some also goes to "administration" of the ESL - I think that was worth a few percent of the total collected.... ?


SA Firefighter General / Re: Should the fire reporter stay on site ?
« on: January 22, 2010, 05:04:48 PM »
And sometimes, people have to drive several minutes past an incident, before they get mobile phone reception......

If they return to the scene, you have lost all contact with them.

Happens constantly in the Adelaide Hills.....


Country Fire Service / Re: Blue vs. Green shirts under turn-out gear
« on: January 17, 2010, 01:23:02 PM »
Maybe we could get white shirts to wear under our PPE....!   :evil:


Country Fire Service / Re: Time for action
« on: January 15, 2010, 09:53:18 AM »
And there's plenty of them around!!


SA Firefighter General / Re: Driving Priorities?
« on: January 10, 2010, 02:51:25 PM »
It is clear under the Australian road rules.

An emergency vehicle can have an exemption from the road rules (eg what we term driving priority 1) and must display warning lights and / or siren.

So you can choose in appropriate circumstance to travel priority 1, with the flashing lights but no siren....


SA Firefighter General / Re: Upcoming weather
« on: January 10, 2010, 10:54:19 AM »
Perhaps we all just relocate to the fire station...?  :|


possibly stemmed from this???

test 09 from gco CFS R1 Weather
possibly stemmed from this???

test 09 from gco CFS R1 Weather

lol...everyone in region 1 got it....

And it was probably related to this

test 09 - sorry everyone in R1. Securatrack screwed up and put the Region WX pager ID on the back label of this pager as its personal ID. Sturt GCO


SA Firefighter General / Re: Upcoming weather
« on: January 08, 2010, 06:07:44 PM »
Luckily, fire bans are not based on the temperature alone.  Wind strength has far more of an effect on the FDI, than the temperature.

Despite the high temps, and lowish humidity's, none of the FDI's are Catastrophic, and only predicted to be Extreme, a few are Severe and the rest only very high.

Monday, with the change coming in has the potential to be an interesting fire weather day.....


SA Firefighter General / Re: Full time CFS?
« on: January 06, 2010, 09:00:12 PM »
CFS hasn't got a big enough budget to maintain our current fleet & equipment and buildings way CFS will have enough money in the budget to run a paid station!


SA Firefighter General / Re: Ammusing pager message.
« on: January 06, 2010, 03:19:18 PM »
Coondambo is where the Glendambo CFS appliance is kept...and where there is an airstrip.....


Looks like the NRG guys, for some reason, are on the paging list to recieve the dispatch messages for the many other Groupies & Captains around the place....

The Bombers were at WAB - Woodside Airbase, so not far away......


SA Firefighter General / Re: Interesting Fire and Emergency Related Paging
« on: December 31, 2009, 07:42:39 PM »
Don't jinx them Robert!!!

SA Firefighter General / Re: Interesting Fire and Emergency Related Paging
« on: December 26, 2009, 09:53:07 AM »
Just wondering about the terminology used in the message....are we really talking about smouldering hotspots, rather than a true rekindle (which to me, indicates the fire has taken off again into unburnt ground......)


Other Government Agencies / Re: NPWS Anesty Hill 14
« on: December 23, 2009, 08:21:35 PM »
That is not 'The' Anstey 14, the lack of bullbar bling (polished alloy bar) is a dead giveaway.
I think you'll find 'the' Anstey is safe and well at Black Hole.

But I did hear about another parks 14 acco... Not sure that this is it though.
Something about a handbrake failure at a recent burn.

Not at Cleland either...

Ahm, the new Anstey 14 might exist with a shiny bull bar, but the one pictured was crashed back in the first part of 2008...and it was Anstey 14 at that time!!

As for crashing accos.... it has been a number of years since parks had an acco in the fleet......!


Country Fire Service / Re: Pagers
« on: December 21, 2009, 02:13:38 PM »
I can't wait for some of the comments when the new pagers roll out..

Hope you enjoy one of the 3 tone options, as well as their bigger size and brick like features!!

I figure many of those without pagers would be more than happy to get any pager that works!!! (even if it is brick like!!)   :evil:


Country Fire Service / Re: Pagers
« on: December 20, 2009, 08:11:11 AM »
It is disappointing that there are many brigades around who do not have the pagers for their active members, due to a shortage state wide.  I know some brigades who have lost their new members, because they haven't been able to supply a pager to them (and don't look like being able to for a while yet!!)

SMS is not the answer, but is at least a temporary measure.

However, with SMS, apart from the issues previously discussed on this (and other forums, there is a new problem.

The new problem, as I see it from a fire fighters perspective is the new phone messaging alert system that is being introduced - the one which sends a text message to mobiles in a particular area, advising of a fire.    If a brigade within that area tries to send out an incident call to its members, who don't have a pager, and it coincides with the messaging alert calls, the chance of the message getting through to CFS members, in a timely fashion, is looking less & less likely!

Certainly at other large fires - including Black Tuesday, around Lincoln, and also around Mt Osmond, the recent Proper Bay fire, and I am sure many others, the mobile phone networks were full to capacity, and there were delays in getting access to the network to make calls......very difficult when you are on a fire ground, and trying to make incident related calls!!

I am aware (like many others) of numerous brigades who have been waiting 12 months+ for pagers. It is a disgrace that it has got to this point of such a severe lack of pagers.  Perhaps with election time coming up fast, the Government needs to be brought to account!


Country Fire Service / Re: SACFS Service Medals
« on: December 12, 2009, 08:37:12 PM »
The international year of the volunteer medal is now to be worn on the left. 

When originally issued, it was to be worn on the right.   

There was some process it went through, (that I can't remember exactly what) and it meant that it was then to be work on the left.


SAMFS / Re: Recruitment 2010
« on: December 11, 2009, 02:39:06 PM »
I don't think they'd want more applicants to wade through.....I vaguely recall something like over 1000 applicants for less than 100 positions...!


Country Fire Service / Re: over-issuing public warnings
« on: December 09, 2009, 07:12:50 PM »
That type of info seems to be the stuff the the ABC (the official CFS broadcaster!) is encouraging people to ring in with.  Problem then is you have the potential for members of the public to call in, and provide details about what is (supposedly) happening.....and the potential for the info to be completely inaccurate.

At least if the information was provided by an official source, you could avoid having the members of the public, with no idea, ringing in with wildly inaccurate info!!


Country Fire Service / Re: over-issuing public warnings
« on: December 09, 2009, 03:40:48 PM »
And, by the nature of warnings, they are very sterile, and don't really tell you much about what is actually happening.

Listening to the warnings over the Pine Point fire a few weeks ago, (mixed up with other warnings for other fires) I just ended up switching off...until a person rang, who said he was in the CFS.

I don't know if he was with the IMT (it sort of sounded like he might have been), or whether he had official sanction to speak publically to the media, but he came across reasonably well - and gave far more information about what was happening with the fire in a more listener friendly way.

The sort of stuff he spoke of was along the lines of roughly how many trucks were on the fire ground, what strike teams were coming, generally what was burning (eg grain crop),what the fire behaviour was like (eg flame height) and what conditions the firefighters were facing.

In the few minutes the person spoke, he gave far more general info than we had got in the previous few hours via official media releases - and gave a much better picture of what was actually happening.

I hope that this type of information release can be utilised more often!


Fire Stations and SES Units / Re: Rebuild of Curramulka CFS Station
« on: December 01, 2009, 09:12:27 PM »
Has the brigade moved in yet?


Country Fire Service / Re: MYTH's & FACT's
« on: November 30, 2009, 07:43:24 AM »
Fact.  It has already happened.  Think Primo, Port Wakefield.


Incident Operations / Re: 3rd Alarm Factory Fire Mt Barker
« on: November 27, 2009, 10:39:42 PM »
What did Heysen Group do to get spanked so badly today with calls right across their Group area?    :evil:


Country Fire Service / Re: CFS Appliances involved in MVA
« on: November 24, 2009, 10:44:22 PM »
And thus shows one of the major problems with the CFS. We just can't stand to evaluate our actions when things go wrong. We're more than happy to stand back and and offer our condolences (as we should) but there is a lesson to be learned from most of these 'accidents' so that they can be avoided in the future.

We need to be open to learn from our mistakes as a service. It's pretty obvious that in this case, as with Mt. Bryan and Murray Bridge that someone cocked up in a major way. Once we work out what has occurred people need to be made aware so that we can learn from this and use this as an example of what can happen when people aren't paying attention, suffer tunnel vision or whatever else may have caused the prang.

Bring on PSTP "Operate and Maintain Common Sense"!

Of course we must learn from the mistakes made.  And yes, someone, obviously made a mistake.

However, the actual cause of this crash, and what mistakes were made, are, at least on this forum currently, just speculation.   We need to be careful of making assumptions about what happened, based on small snippets of information gained from the media.


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