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Messages - Pipster

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SA Firefighter General / Re: Spotfires
« on: November 24, 2009, 12:03:47 PM »
Although in this case, was it actually spotfires, or simply smouldering stumps within the burnt patch, which a passerby called in, and gave the wrong terminology....?

It sounded like there was very little to be seen at this call when crews arrived...

Back to the actual question - of course spot fires are part of our job, as well as smouldering areas & hot spots.

Isn't that why we patrol a fire for some time after it appears extinguished.   

In the case of this burn, overnight temps were low & humidity high, and perhaps no requirement to leave crews on scene overnight - but you go back the next day to check it (which I understand DEH were doing)


Incident Operations / Re: Eyre & Yorke Peninsula fires 19/11/09
« on: November 21, 2009, 07:36:38 AM »
Poor Region 2...been absolutely flogged for the last few weeks!

Hopefully the rain will settle things down (but not do too much damage to crops)


SA Firefighter General / Re: Fire warnings
« on: November 20, 2009, 03:21:32 PM »
Various areas of the state have FDI's of 100 + on a regular basis during summer - particularly areas of West Coast, Eyre Peninsula, & Pastoral areas.  Nothing new in that.

It makes no sense to have many of those crews sitting in a tin shed in 44 degrees temps, waiting for something that has a low probability of occurring (although a high probability of being a problem if a fire does start!).

Particularly in those areas, every farm has its own farm fire unit.  So if a fire does break out, you have farm units coming from all directions to assist, rather than one crew in a (slow) fire truck, which may have to travel 40 km or more to get to the call (and that's the closest appliance!!)

Asset wise, once the crops have been reaped, there are often not a lot of assets that need protection, in the same way we have say houses in the Mt Lofty Ranges.

I don't think we need to create different rules for different area - we need some common sense applied, taking into account the different circumstances that in exist in different areas!


Emergency Vehicles / Re: Tray top truck
« on: November 10, 2009, 04:27:00 PM »
The vehicle and its use has been discussed at the local Group meeting, by members of your brigade Chinny.......   :-D

Perhaps you need to chat to your brigade hierarchy, who can probably give you far more info about the vehicle than this forum!!


Emergency Vehicles / Re: Tray top truck
« on: November 08, 2009, 04:22:02 PM »
Are we talking a red or white truck?

What size is the truck - eg a 6 ish tonne, 12ish tonne or larger?

There are LOTS of appliances at Angle Park, so you might need to provide a few more details to enable us to work out what appliance it might be!!


Country Fire Service / Re: SACFS Service Medals
« on: November 07, 2009, 02:24:15 PM »
So if they don't give us a medal (which was something actually asked for by members), what should be given as a recognition of service?

they already get a medal....a real one that u can wear, not a 15 yrs, plus an add on every five years

people that are in it for medals always worry me.......

Ah yes, the same medal I get for going to work every day, and doing no more than what I am paid to do.

How does the work that I do as a paid employee, equate to that of a volunteer, doing a lot more, with no pay ?

And while the bulk of us do not join a volunteer service to be publicly recognised, is it really so bad when the hierarchy tries to recognise the dedicated service its troops give it, through something like a medal?


Country Fire Service / Re: SACFS Service Medals
« on: November 06, 2009, 07:26:25 PM »
So if they don't give us a medal (which was something actually asked for by members), what should be given as a recognition of service?


All Equipment discussion / Re: Chainsaws
« on: October 15, 2009, 03:31:12 PM »
Should a chainsaw be standard stowage on all appliances, even though there are numerous brigades around that don't get calls to trees down, because there are none....!?  


All Equipment discussion / Re: Chainsaws
« on: October 15, 2009, 08:18:39 AM »
No, chainsaws are not standard stowage.


Doesn't a bit of wind help get your fire going in the sort of damp / cool conditions we have now...?       :evil:


And if anyone has been to Marysville, to evacuate the town would put people at huge risk of being caught on the roads as the bushfire came through.   

Scrub in all directions, narrow winding hilly roads......

While there may have been some failures, in that no evacuation was ordered, I suspect if it had, then those sitting in the witness box would have been in the firing line for ordering an evacuation.....!


Country Fire Service / Re: Region 1 group boundary rationalisation proposal
« on: September 23, 2009, 07:32:33 PM »
True Mallee fire, but, if you look at Groups with large numbers of brigades, the bulk of those brigades attend less than 20 calls a year - often less than 10 calls a year, with perhaps one more brigade doing 50 calls a year, and maybe one doing 100 calls a year.

So some existing large groups do less calls as a group, than one busy Adelaide Hills brigade.

So while there are Groups with 20 odd brigades in them, the call out rate is much lower, and hence less operational work required by GO's.

Put 20 of the busy brigades together, then the GO's & DGO's can potentially have a massive operational & administrative workload!!


SA Firefighter General / Re: Interesting Fire and Emergency Related Paging
« on: September 21, 2009, 05:06:32 PM »

At this time of year?
Under what Act?

Probably just under the clean air act, some councils jump on people pretty hard gotta have a permit all year round and have it extinguished by 3pm for a reduction burn-off.

But if the council don't ask us / direct us to extinguish a fire, and it isn't fire danger season, and the fire is not in danger of getting away, what legal power do CFS members have to extinguish the fire ?


SA Firefighter General / Re: Interesting Fire and Emergency Related Paging
« on: September 20, 2009, 09:40:58 PM »
Clean air act

Clear Air Act no longer exists....was rescinded a few years ago....


Country Fire Service / Re: New CFS pumpers
« on: September 20, 2009, 10:06:32 AM »

They may be viable for one or two brigades, our brigade got rid or our little pumper for the fact it had shocking acceleration away from intersections and torque for climbing hills, cramped for crew, PTO pump was to small not big enough for a real pumper and I think you'll find the stations that have got these little appliances left like Stirling have a real size pumper in the station as well (I'm not just talking actual cab/chasis size!)

Plus if there are driveways in your area that you can't get an appliance down just do what we do inform the resident and you'll see changes if they're serious about their property's protection. Should we be taking appliances in such tight areas?

This whole small pumper thing if it happens is just a smoke and mirrors deal from CFS corporate as they have not got the balls to ask for whats really needed. So to look good for the government ministers we get a sub standard product. Hence let's buy a second-hand Dennis then jump through hurdles!

Look at how offen they change tenders and the lack of quality on the appliances. If cheap as chips could build them CFS infastructure and logistics would be giving them a contract. Another question when is it that CFS has purchased a fleet of vehicles and there has only been slight teething issues? Not for a long time!

SO we can complain to the local council, and they will them undertake extensive road works to enable us to drive our big 34's, and our large urban pumpers down the narrow and winding roads in the Adelaide Hills.....!  That ain't going to happen!

We can have a word to the local residents, but if the driveway is too narrow, or the hairpin bend halfway down is too tight for the large trucks, it is often unlikely that the resident can do much to change that, even if they wanted to.

And if your old appliance didn't do the job effectively, why does that automatically mean any new appliance / new design going to have the same problem?

And is it really smoke and mirrors - could some brigades have actually asked for a mini pumper, and CFS is responding?

Did you know that the Dennis purchase was an experiment, to see if the vehicle would be suitable for CFS.  The issues that it had showed it wasn't - hence we only have one lemon, rather than a whole fleet!

As has been discussed numerous times on various forums, one size doesn't fit all - and here is an opportunity for CFS to trial something new - and yet they are bagged for it.  

But when they introduce a fleet of appliances, they get bagged for not trialling it!

Let's hope we all get a look at the mini pumper, and you never know, it might turn out to be a useful appliance!!


PS Of the three remaining 12's in the fleet, only Stirling has a larger Pumper (well, when it is actually at Stirling) - the other two brigades don't.

Country Fire Service / Re: New CFS pumpers
« on: September 16, 2009, 07:12:03 PM »
Different appliance...QAV (or QRV!) is designed to carry small amounts of water (that one at the show was 550 litres of water) with a small pump, designed solely for rural fires.

The mini pumper being discussed is more aimed for urban type applications, where mains water is available, and where a large pump is required, due to urban type risks.....


CFS Cadet Corner / Re: Cadet training with firefighters
« on: September 16, 2009, 05:47:38 PM »
As far as I understand, there is no age restriction on undertaking BF-1... but depending on the age of the cadets, it may be that BF-1 presented over 1 weekend is too much, and that a BF-1 for younger cadets can be presented over several weeks / months.

However, if a cadet under about 14 and a half ( I think) and completes BF-1, they must complete BF-1 again, before being allowed out on the fireground at 16.   If you a cadet aged over 14.5 completes BF-1, then they don't have to redo BF-1, when they turn 16.

Country Fire Service / Re: New CFS pumpers
« on: September 16, 2009, 05:40:40 PM »
We still have three of these in the current fleet - Upper Sturt, Stirling & Aldgate

I think it is a good idea to look at different appliance build & designs - although CFS HQ get bagged when they don't look at new vehicles & designs, and get bagged if they do!!!

If it gets trialled, and it works well, then we can end up with a number of useful appliances in the fleet.  If it turns out to be a lemon, we don't end up with a fleet of them!!


SA Firefighter General / Re: Bushfire taskforce recommendations
« on: September 15, 2009, 10:05:41 PM »
I reckon my area'll do really well out of this... an ability for mobile phone messages to be sent through to people travelling through an, we might even get mobile phone coverage in the area........!!    :evil:


SA Firefighter General / Re: Stay or Go Policy
« on: September 15, 2009, 05:24:28 PM »
The new "Policy" is Prepare, Act, Survive - or is that the media message - to me it is pretty much the same message, just rebadged in a pretty package.....

After all, there are really only two options - stay & defend, or leave early...can't really see any other option.....


Country Fire Service / Re: Google maps of CFS regions available
« on: September 13, 2009, 06:21:28 PM »
Several of the CFS stations were already marked on Google earth...... marked right on top of the relevant station....


SASES / Re: Search at Paney Station 8th Sept
« on: September 08, 2009, 06:01:51 PM »
The strike teams I've been on have mainly been full tanks (not a good look if you come across a fire on the way to your main incident, and have no water!!!)

Although not a particular issue right now, in terms of rural fires.... !


SASES / Re: Search at Paney Station 8th Sept
« on: September 08, 2009, 01:21:20 PM »
Wudinna is right next to the Gawler Ranges, - much closer than the bulk of the SES units that were called, so speed is not of the essence in this case.

Also, I reckon some of the appliance will travel more comfortably full then empty.....(or worse, half full!)

There were a number of pager messages last night, warning of a potential search today.


We certainly can't assume that SES crews have the training & equipment.  A SES unit attended a call today for a tree down, completely blocking a road (albeit a minor one).

Three SES members attended, none of whom had a chainsaw ticket, so they started cutting up the tree with bow saws.    Some time later, the two nearest CFS brigades were called...who had chainsaws & trained operators....

So who knows who has the right gear / training etc.... isn't that what BOMS, (and eventually SACAD) are supposed to tell you?

But, after 14 months of the interim CRD, we still have inappropriate data in BOMS, countless CRD issues forms submitted (I can just about recite the whole form, I've been filling in so many) and the promise of SACAD to save the world..... and still the wrong resource is sent....


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