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Messages - Stefan KIRKMOE

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Country Fire Service / Re: FUNDS CUT
« on: May 22, 2006, 03:40:08 PM »
Due to cuts in our budget all Volunteers will get a 50% drop in there CFS pay... :-o :lol:

yeah, we will actually have to start paying the CFS for each call we attend. On a serious side note, maybe newer members will have to pay a percentage of the cost for gear or training or something. It would be stupid, but it might have to be done if things get bad.

And how is that different to the way currently work???
I'm sure members across the state are carrying some of the finacial cost of running the CFS. Fuel costs for driving to station, meetings, training, calls, etc., parts of PPE such as t-shirts, phone bills for making calls (and internet usage) from private phone's, minor stationary items and a range of other things.
I once had a brigade member ask if he should pay for the hire of a car trailer to be used to move wrecks around for RCR training (he was quiet happy to pat for it). I think most people are quiet happy to put in not only the time to support the CFS, but also money to ensure their local brigade still works effectivly and community has an adequate fire service. Call it part of the volunteer ethos perhaps. I have done this on a number of occasions.
However this willingness by volunteers to financially support their brigade is having the negative effect of hiding the actual cost to run the CFS. I'm not sure if anyone actually does know how much money goes into the CFS state wide from a variety of sources (Govt, fundraising, memebrs pockets, etc) to run the CFS. So when a Govt goes to cut the budget by X million dollars, as is rumoured, they are in the belief that the service is currently working fine on the current budget allocated to them and a small (to them) cut in funding will have minor effects. When in fact the CFS is not running financially on the current budget!!!

SA Firefighter General / Re: Ammusing pager message.
« on: May 18, 2006, 05:30:41 PM »
don't worry..... I found my pager for all those that were holding grave concerns for it.... fell down the side of my car seat. All safe and well and reunitied with owner   :-)

Country Fire Service / Re: a bit harsh
« on: May 17, 2006, 11:38:11 PM »
Camo et al, Opps, sorry, replied to a post with-out reading further on to see what i had to say was already being discussed. Again Sorry. Although i do agree with Matt. It does work both ways (CFS/MFS) and I know the Mount (and surrounding area) aren't the only ones who have the problem either. Medivac, i know how frustrating it is to see brigades, groups and individuals paying little attention to the SOP's (i'm not sure if any of us are innocent, if even in a small way) but I really dont think there is a quick fix answer to it. Like Camo and Blinkey have said if you dont turn-out with 2, will you turn out at all???, as well as that a vehicle with reduced crew arriving substantily earlier than a fully crewed appliance can have big advantages in rural, defensive urban & rescue incidents (not saying i agree with-it, medivac i'm on oyur side here, but its reality, not just in rural parts of SA, it affects region one too) Who knows the answer, with dwindling volunteer numbers, and reduced availibilty of those remaining vols, a career SAMFS station isnt an option in the majority of these cases!! I do however beive that dual, tri or quad response of brigades goes someway to answering the question (so long as it is the closest, most appropriate resourse!!)
-sorry what a long rant, its late!

Country Fire Service / Re: a bit harsh
« on: May 17, 2006, 11:23:50 PM »
Hi All,
Camo. I fully agree that there isnt many brigades in the state that can guarente a minimum turn-out in line with SOP's (re- training levels and response times). However if i can remeber correctly you're with Compton brigade, and isnt that relativly close to a SAMFS regional command retained station with 4 vehicles (capable of turning out a crew of 4 Ba operators, am unsure as i'm not from that neck of the woods) is this not clser than 30 minutes away? Sorry my thoughts only, again am not familisr with that area.

Country Fire Service / Re: Busiest brigades
« on: May 10, 2006, 11:19:02 PM »
Burnside currently to date is about 160 i think. Last year ended up about 225 or so....

SA Firefighter General / Re: Ammusing pager message.
« on: April 30, 2006, 07:41:22 PM »
Is it really such overkill? Maybe it's overkill that SES drove past the CFS responding to the call as there was no traffic hazard CFS were responding P2 sitting at a red light intersection (pump/rescue with crew of 4) when they drove priority 1 through the intersection with a crew of 2. Maybe it's not on overkill that CFS / SES went although Burnside were back in station as the tree (or more like twig) had been cleared from the road when a second SES unit continued to respond priority 1... at this stage CFS were back in station and on the way home from there! I'm starting to think that's a bit of overkill... Overkill it might be but atleast at the end of the day the public got a service and the job done. Interesting the Lewiston job seemed to be underkill as SES were called from Kapunda I believe with 5 other rescue resources closer with no CFS or MFS also responded.... I believe this "ownership" of calls you continue to talk about is childish and public safety should be the foremost consideration.

Incident Operations / Re: First Fire
« on: April 29, 2006, 06:43:14 PM »
yeah Burnside is my brigade.

As for training to maintain, Level 1,2,3, CABA, HAZMAT (2.16), RCR (2.17A & 1.13), CFB, Confined Space Rescue (2.17C), Rope Rescue (1.25), Low Angle Stretcher Rescue, Senior First Aid, Advanced Resus Cert, Chainsaw, MART, Forklift, Atmospheric Monitoring (2.14), Emergency Driver, Train Small Groups, Plan/Conduct/Review, Leadership.... that's a lot of weekends!

Senior Firefighter

Incident Operations / Re: First Fire
« on: April 28, 2006, 07:55:48 PM »
can't remember first fire, first job was an mva though. Been in the job only a couple of weeks at the time though. A guy was working on his car when the jack had given way and his wife found him a few hours later when she went to tell him dinner was ready, he was under the car and not going anywhere.. interesting first up job!
RCR's - Had a bunch of doozies, many of semi prangs on the freeway especially rollovers....
HAZMAT's - most memorable was probably going by Rescue 51 to KI last year.
Structure Fire - Mitcham shopping centre (4th Alarm), Stonyfell Shopping Centre (2nd alarm)
Scrub - Jan 11, various other strike teams.

SA Firefighter General / Re: Ammusing pager message.
« on: April 27, 2006, 01:08:20 AM »
Not sure but part of the RCR directory requires all MVA's in the country to have the 1st nominated rescue responded as well. It could be that if the operator only puts the incident in as MVA Spill or Vehicle Accident or similar only a single appliance response would be sent. If the operator sends the incident down as an RCR it will not only bring up the fire response but keep the SES happy and place them on the page as well if they are the first nominated rescue. Food for thought only.

SA Firefighter General / Re: RCR Challenge
« on: April 15, 2006, 07:04:29 PM »
that would be kirkmoe senior.... the salisbury team actually has KIRKMOE, KIESSLING and DOUGLAS.... all burnside members....

SA Firefighter General / Re: Road Crash Demo - Rundell Mall
« on: April 08, 2006, 08:21:53 AM »
Matt? I didn't call u Matt, I called the the guys who is called Matt, Matt....

Other Government Agencies / Re: A piece of history...
« on: April 06, 2006, 06:54:34 PM »
At the end of the day we should look at public safety! This means the closest, most appropriate, resource.... If SAMFS respond with an SES unit and continually stop call them because they can get there, remove the risk / deal with the incident before SES get there then so be it. I do not see why Metro SES units will take all "storm incidents, trees down, animal rescue's and patient lifts" in metro area. At the end of the day SAMFS are likely to arrive before SES anyway, back when I was in SOC, SAMFS and SES were responded at the same time to an incident with "life risk", MFS had dealt with the incident and put a stop back before SES had acknowledged the page.

SA Firefighter General / Re: Road Crash Demo - Rundell Mall
« on: April 01, 2006, 09:58:29 AM »
Hi Matt,
Just curious if you have any photo's of the other RCR training yesterday we turned out to on the freeway?? If so could you pls just flick them through to me, much appreciated =)

Cheers mate

Fire Fighter Training / Re: CABA/RCR
« on: March 12, 2006, 03:42:40 PM »
Hey All,
I'm just curious how long u have had to be 18 for to do RCR? I did it when I was 16, I've been in the organisation for about 6 years now. First job i ever attended was a fatal. Didn't do much at it as he was DOA. Had a few "big" jobs involving semi's rollingover etc with the drivers ending up all over the place and this was all at a young age. As someone else had already said I think it comes down to the individual. The only thing I hate is when they stink after a few days in the heat....

Country Fire Service / Re: Murray Bridge CFS Truck Rollover
« on: March 10, 2006, 11:28:28 AM »
The CFS removed the SOP and COSO's from the website for security reasons, so before you go sending copies around it may pay to just check with CFS HQ and just find out if they approve or not....

Country Fire Service / Re: Murray Bridge CFS Truck Rollover
« on: March 07, 2006, 07:03:44 AM »
I don't even think the attitude is just a brigade thing, comes down more to personal preference. Some members i know wouldn't wear a seat belt even if we wern't excempt others won't have the truck move without the crew being belted up and wear their helmet from the moment they leave station. Considering the brigade has lost a member as the result of an appliance rollover in '90 I find peoples attitudes strange about when they should and shouldnt. At the end of the day most CFS personal are NOT regular or professional drivers of 10-15t trucks at high speed under UDD conditions or even get any comprehensive training. Considering CFS provides training in almost everything I find it strange that the area of most risk receives only minimal training. If you F*%K up at a job with your BA, you may kill or seriously injure yourself or your partner, same with compartment, RCR well ya might cut something off you shouldn't.... But if you are the driver on the way to a job and make a mistake you could potentially kill the seven people on the appliance and any number members of the public!

SA Firefighter General / Re: Ammusing pager message.
« on: February 11, 2006, 01:53:30 PM »
Hi All,
Not an ammusing pager message, but one i found interesting none the less.


Now while i didnt attend this job and have no furhter details of the incident than what i've read on this pager message, i find it slightly disturbing. I read 'VEHICLE ON PRECARIOUSLY STEEP LAND' and 'PERSON IN VEHICLE DOES NOT WANT TO TAKE FOOT OFF BRAKES'. While depending how you read this some may take it as a RCR incident (maybe/ maybe not?) But regardless I would see it as a person in a dangerous situation who is distressed and holds fear for their safety. WHY WAS THE NEAREST RESOURCE NOT RESPONDED? I would have thought that Stirling CFS would have been able to respond in a much more timely manner (responce times aside, purley on that they are alot closer!) with equipment to assist the motorist/ resident, eg. Road Crash Rescue brigade, Low angle rope rescue brigade with a number of responce vehicles, including one with a winch to assist in stablisation.

While the SES are more than able to perform the task, why would you want a distressed person in a dangerous situation any longer than they have to be???

As i am not aware of all the circumstances I may be on the wrong track.


PS- Would also be interested to hear from anyone here who may have attended and thier thought's.

Country Fire Service / Re: Change of Quarters (Between CFS Brigades)
« on: January 07, 2006, 06:51:24 AM »
Pumpers are no good for grass fires??? WTF.... Have you ever operated on a pumper appliance? I'm from Burnside where our Volvo pumper is now 24 years old, and probably better than most around the place, especially when fighting rural fires in the hills areas like Mt Osmond, if you think it's just because they have 2 x 25mm lines.... consider the fact they are 90m long are can actually get to fires..... in the areas where pumpers operate such as burnside rural appliances are almost useless because you can't get off road in a lot of places and those you can, if it was burning I wouldn't want to take an appliance anyway! A pumper is more of a multi-use appliance than a rural type plastic fantastic will ever be.....

Country Fire Service / Re: mutual aid...
« on: November 25, 2005, 05:43:12 PM »
At the end of the day if you use them you will use them if you don't even respond with SAMFS then why even worry about them. I'm gonna use them when I'm in SAMFS area working as part of a SAMFS resource (and no I'm not a SAMFS wannabe!). As for people running by the CFS SOP's and we should follow them that's the end of the story then consider this, this CFS SOP's also state "the closest most appropriate resource should be responded to incidents". Considering we can't even get that right and the public are at a fair risk because of it I think K codes are a minimal issue....

Country Fire Service / Re: mutual aid...
« on: November 19, 2005, 09:17:36 AM »
It comes down to whatever sounds professional i think.... If you don't know then don't use them but when you know K codes it sounds professional and makes the job a lot easier..... ( i think)

"MFS comms this if nuff nuff 24 Pumper we are mobile to job in MFS area"
"Adelaide Fire Burnside 2919 K1 over"

As for following SOP's considerng a lot of CFS don't follow basic ones like levels of response and appropriate resources anyway what does a simple K mean....

ALL Rescue / Re: Vehicle Setup
« on: October 23, 2005, 01:13:53 PM »
Burnside Pumper Rescue is set up in the rear locker, semi connected but more space to have it all pre connected would be awesome..... From memory TTG 14 has the rescue gear on the drivers side, Eden Type 2 has the RIV on drivers side, Barker has most of it's hydraulic gear on passengers side, Adelaide SAMFS 204 is passenger side, most SAMFS pump rescue's are set up  in the rear locker.....

SA Firefighter General / Re: is this a record????
« on: October 10, 2005, 07:50:28 PM »
No brigade members in this age range but our front running appliance is 24 years old =) I think this must be running as one of the older appliances in the fleet.... Anyone know older appliances?

Country Fire Service / Re: Experience markings
« on: October 01, 2005, 08:34:02 PM »
Burnside tried it with the important Training type of markings, ie. highest level of training so you had a 1, 2 or 3, RCR, BA or HZ (obviously if you have hazmat you already have BA) and first aid green square.... the official respose by CFS HQ. "We don't need to look like boy scouts, take them off!" Ok, so they worked well, looked good, easy to use and was officially granted by the ROPO a while before hand but yeah.... CFS Opinion was straight to the point!

Country Fire Service / Re: What's a pumper?
« on: October 01, 2005, 08:16:15 PM »
haha pumpers.... i love this topic.
By the defination of volume in a pump (not talking pressure here for a moment. but the simple thing is....
1000-2000 lts/min = light pumper
2000-3000 lts/min = medium pumper
3000+ lts/min = pumper

these volumes are usually operated at about 1000kpa or there about  150psi. If you start to talk about high pressure then it's usually 3,500 - 4,000 kpa... so about 3 times what a standard appliance usually runs at. A standard CFS 24 appliance runs usually a 300GPM, so about 1140 lts/min. a 24p or 34P runs a 500GPM pump.... so 1900 lts/min... so in reality if we call a 24P and 34P a pumper, why can't a standard 24 or 34 also be called a pumper, after all it fits in the same bracket of pumper!
The HE-500 pump that runs on 24P and 34P appliances is only a volume pump, not a pressure as it's only designed to be used around 1000 kpa... (so when people just keep winding them up to get more pressure it usually does pump damage) that's why some of the older type pumpers and new ones have a seperate high pressure stage. Some people may remember the old SAMFS isuzu pumpers that were in adelaide, glen osmond and prospect (now based in country stations) but they only had a 500GPM pump also so they were not usually used to boost...
The new Type 2 appliances run a Rosenbaur NH30 I think it's called, it's a multistage 3000lts/min pump.... so on the boarder of medium and pumper status. As also has been stated they have a number of inlets and outlets to be able to boost more effectivly....
Anyway I have probably rambled enough for the minute and hope i haven't caused too much confusion.

P.S. - if an appliance is a 'pumper' the stowage is different as has been suggested.... 4xCABA, different hose, PPV etc. I'll try and dig out a stowage list from somewhere....

Country Fire Service / Re: station numbers again
« on: October 01, 2005, 07:32:36 PM »
SAMFS Comms is the backup to SOC. If SOC fails to answer a call in a specific time limit the call will divert to SAMFS Comms, if the Telstra  000 operators decide it's taking too long to answer the call they may also divert straight to SAMFS. Thus because of the  backup SAMFS Comms have the ability one way or another to respond all CFS brigades from memory, not just MA or EMA brigades. The 'BOMS' system SAMFS use for response changed a number of months back, very similar but different response types or classes. Until both comms decide to work together then there will always be in-differences. A but like the fact SOC does most SES responses....At the end of the day as long as the public get a response!

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