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Messages - mack

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Emergency Aircraft / Helitak 533 & 534
« on: January 04, 2007, 07:21:57 PM »
Helitak 533 & 534

Macca 8-)

Emergency Aircraft / Rescue 53
« on: January 04, 2007, 07:20:26 PM »
Rescue 53
1000L Bucket available

Macca 8-)

Emergency Aircraft / Helitak 746
« on: January 04, 2007, 07:16:49 PM »
Aircrane S64E

Macca 8-)

SAMFS / Re: MFS Comm Cen
« on: November 25, 2006, 07:10:51 AM »
i believe tuesday was a bit of a special case blinky.

firstly, at one point for a short period SOCC lost almost all power due to a lightning strike interfering with the building.

also, group and brigade bases were answering alerts calls before they dialled through and connected with SOCC and other participants

it is also worth noting that when the big change comes along there will probably be a fair few operators in the centre, ppl may not know but SOCC actually operates day to day with only two OCOs and can upgrade to three or four if need be.


Incident Operations / Re: Gosselands Deployment (KI) - 131106
« on: November 15, 2006, 03:19:38 PM »
yes, that would have been me...  :wink:

could not believe there was no layflat.... absoloutely ridiculous, especially considering the type of "get off the trucks and get in there" terrain they have on the island...

Incident Operations / Gosselands Deployment (KI) - 131106
« on: November 15, 2006, 12:12:53 PM »
Was a part of the 12hr (more like 16hr on the move) Gosselands deployment on Monday and managed to take a few snaps.

Was one of the best fed KI deployments ever; they had bacon & eggs ready for us on arrival, had snack bags for us on the fireground, rolls, muffins and drinks for lunch brought out to us, and then a pub meal and 2 drinks afterwards.... was pretty good, gotta love the surf & turf.

Basically we (crews from lofty and sturt groups on KI appliances) spent all day patrolling and moppin up hot spots, even managed to see fire once!

several shots;

So who else was there from this board? Saw Skirkmoe, and im sure a few of you other guys are probly lurking on here....


SA Firefighter General / Re: Ammusing pager message.
« on: August 20, 2006, 04:28:09 PM »
mmm.. all Ambos are kitted out with a helmet as standard equipment.... ive never seen one being worn though, not in metro area...

SA Firefighter General / Re: Ammusing pager message.
« on: August 19, 2006, 06:34:42 PM »
^^no point buying a lottery ticket.... looks like all her lucks been used up  :wink:

Mattb - was gonan say gday, but you were still fairly busy and i was due at my GFs place... looks liek you were pretty busy yesterday.

Country Fire Service / Re: GRN paging outages
« on: August 18, 2006, 07:37:28 PM »
:-oGRN outages seem pretty regular and Mintabie is constantly coming up low batt etc....How many brigades still have their town sirens?

most of the GRN outages you will see being paged out are 'planned', this is usually for servicing/maintanence. a lot less common are the 'unplanned' outages when a site actually goes down...

planned outages are a lot more common during winter, they like to keep as many functioning as possible during the fire season months...

SA Firefighter General / Re: Ammusing pager message.
« on: August 18, 2006, 07:00:00 PM »
dropped past that woodcroft jobby... but for some reason the camera's memory card was missing!!!! D'OH!!!!!!!!

4 appliances on scene, plus group vehicle and SAPOL/SAAS, looked like the front room had gone up well....

saw MattyB standing around, but he looked kinda busy being IC  :wink:

appliance ended up being retreived by a tractor i believe...

Coro 24p attempted recovery using a snat chstrap connected to approved towing points on both appliances, however this failed for some reason, i am unsure why as i was not there...

all group 'strike team' vehicles carry group funded snatch straps

Incident Operations / Re: Dual Response
« on: August 18, 2006, 11:37:40 AM »
because SES are the state rescue service.

they carry more equipment and more training

24p goes first to everything unless we are heading way out of area, it has even gone to a few strike teams...

plus, the 24..... it could be better :wink:

yeah mate - Coro, Cherry Gdns and Clarendon attended this burnoff out of control yesterday... on scene for a fair while...

^^ oh dear  :wink:


SA Firefighter General / Re: Ammusing pager message.
« on: August 16, 2006, 08:42:05 PM »
pissing down up here at the moment andrew... lol

i take it priority jobs (MVAs, rescues, etc) get paged through though... not just faxed?

Incident Operations / Re: RCR - Main Rd, Coromandel Valley 090806
« on: August 16, 2006, 07:48:24 PM »
wasnt really thaaaaaatttt bad...... admittedly one person was trapped, but that person had no obvious major injuries... the other driver was taken by SAAS before arrival...

the falcon did roll over a 2m drop though.... would have looked impressive as.

Incident Operations / Re: RCR - Winns Rd, Blackwood 120806
« on: August 16, 2006, 07:31:27 PM »
re the vests - just chucked that on there due to the comments in the last thread LMAO - the road was closed btw... crime scene apparently  :?

yeah, had him right in there in the thick of it, cant hurt to have the experience on hand, plus i think they were a little on the light side with RCR  operators....

Incident Operations / RCR - Winns Rd, Blackwood 120806
« on: August 13, 2006, 11:17:10 PM »
some pics of a road crash rescue the other day... one trapped.

and please... no comments re; vests LMAO  :wink: :-D


Country Fire Service / Re: Milang 24
« on: August 12, 2006, 02:46:25 PM »
Coromandel Valley 24

which i believe is the same build... or almost the same.

Country Fire Service / Re: Milang 24
« on: August 12, 2006, 02:06:39 PM »
is it a particularly special rear end?

i have some reasonably close up shots of our 24... which is a standard urban/rural

Incident Operations / Re: RCR - Main Rd, Coromandel Valley 090806
« on: August 11, 2006, 03:39:02 PM »
Fines for not wearing a safety vest whilst working on a roadway...?

ooops... me too  :wink:

the truck in the background is the Cherry Gardens air strip vehicle... at the moment Blackwood Rescue is offline having some maintenance done... and the rescue gear has been thrown in the back of the canter...

Incident Operations / RCR - Main Rd, Coromandel Valley 090806
« on: August 11, 2006, 10:59:27 AM »
1924962 19:58:20 09-08-06 M171 Cat2 Main Rd, Coromandel Valley 166 Q2

1925581 20:09:27 09-08-06 OH181 Cat2 Main Rd, Coromandel Valley 166 Q2
1924962 20:09:31 09-08-06 OH181 Cat2 Main Rd, Coromandel Valley 166 Q2

1909046 20:14:05 09-08-06 MFS: RESPOND RCR 09/08/06 20:12,MAIN RD,COROMANDEL VALLEY, MAP 154 Q 16 ,,IN FRONT OF DUCK INN,4719 4924*CFSRES:

got called to this RCR a couple of nights ago... quite a delay in the fire service being called, when i drove past to go to the station SAAS, SAPOl and the towie were already in attendance...

2 vehicles sideswiped on the corner, commodore pushed off the road, falcon pushed off the other side of the road and rolled over an embankment.
the guys from Blackwood popped the door of the Commodore to remove the entrapped driver....

funnily enough the door just fell off the falcon when i opened it to acess the bonnet release, obviously dodgy Ford manufacturing  :wink:



SA Firefighter General / 2006 Australasian Rescue Challenge
« on: July 18, 2006, 10:17:16 AM »
On behalf of Stuart macleod ESM, Deputy Chief Officer SASES



So what are your plans for next weekend?

South Australia and your emergency services (SES, CFS and SAMFS) are hosting the 2006 Australasian Rescue Challenge from Friday 21 July through to Sunday 23 July at the Adelaide Showground at Wayville.

The event will see 23 fire and rescue teams from across Australia and New Zealand come together to showcase their skills and to compete in a range of road accident scenarios.

The really good news is that the entire event will be conducted in the warm and dry environment of the Wayville Pavilion. No more rain, no more sunstroke (not that sunstroke is a risk right now).

The event is very strongly supported by Holden Ltd, with more than 70 almost new Commodores, Monaros (yes new Monaros) and other Holden vehicles being ‘massaged’ into shape for the scenarios so that the teams can force entry and extricate the casualties.

So if your weekend ahead isn’t already booked up with visits to relatives, shopping forays into the crowds or dodging the rain in the garden, why not come and join us?

Where else can you stay warm and dry, support your emergency services, and watch brand new Holdens being turned into second hand cars very rapidly? And all this for a gold coin donation and a $5.00 car park fee. Best times 9am to 4pm each day. We also have souvenir merchandise (shirts, caps etc) for sale, and a trade display to browse through in between events.

So bring your identity card, a gold coin or three, and come support the services in this showcase Australasian event.

Stuart Macleod
Road Crash Rescue Organising Committee

Country Fire Service / Re: Bwd CAFS
« on: March 31, 2006, 07:51:48 PM »
makes one hell of a mess... i was wondering though, there seems to be a helluva lot of run-off... i was under the impression it would stick a lot better...

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