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Messages - jaff

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All Equipment discussion / Re: Bunker Boots
« on: April 15, 2008, 01:49:47 PM »
Do we as a mainly rural based fire service ,need the bunker style boots?
Do they offer better protection?
Do they offer more comfort?
Do they offer a cost benefit,compared to what is already supplied?
What are the cost differences between the two different styles?
Are they "needed" because our paid brothers have them?

These are all genuine questions and NO slur is intended!

Cheers Jaff

All Equipment discussion / Re: New CFA turnout gear
« on: April 11, 2008, 02:31:32 PM »
Wouldnt it be great all states using the same fittings and PPE united in their buying power, aaaahhh yeh, as Martin Luther King once said "who shot me" orrrrr something like that! :-D

All Equipment discussion / Re: PBi at MVAs
« on: April 09, 2008, 11:10:50 PM »
CFS has been appalling in there issuing of definate guidelines as to the wearing of PBI, this job was meant to be completed almost 18 months ago that im aware of, an absolute embarrasment by technical services, they need a bollocking from above. If we took that long to put together paperwork as critical as this, we would have a please (probably not that polite) explain.

SA Firefighter General / Re: Ammusing pager message.
« on: April 08, 2008, 11:14:39 PM »
Now it could have been something as innocuos as a pest bomb being discharged ,without all of the PPE being removed from the hooks at the station ? ,something that im sure has happened at a lot of stations. Someone will have the goss -- IM sure the group wont be tripping over themselves to send a cheque ,when his invoice comes in, yep right to the bottom of the pile for that sucker :evil:

ALL Rescue / Re: Road Crash Rescue competitions
« on: April 08, 2008, 12:42:22 PM »
Perhaps this competition , should be sponsored by SGIC (think that is still the arm of the government that pays out road trauma victims, via third party insurance)as in some way the work of rescue crews, goes a long way towards harm minismiation and impacting on their bottom line.
Would give the Minister and hangers on another photo opportunity ,possibly improve moral and commitment from volunteers and maybe atract more!!
A win ,win situation for a government with vision, probably why it will never happen :cry: :-D

Cheers Jaff

« on: April 03, 2008, 10:06:18 AM »
All good points everyone. If you want to talk bonus points, how about the guys that have been in the retained ranks for a few years. Shouldnt this, in some way, help the person obtain full time employment. They are already employed by the SAMFS.

Oh and to the accountant of 25 years who made the last intake and struggled to ship a standpipe on many occasions, well done on passing the recruit course.

SAMFS You suck!!

Pyro1,  Its a dead set shame that there isnt more places for people , like yourself, people that are willing to assess the situation ,as you have in your previous posts and then after comment/advice from possibly your peers, youve reassessed the situation again, then whinge about the system failing you and not the other way round, and finish off your post with "SAMFS You suck".
Just wondering what part of the intake process brought you undone? Your apparent attitude perhaps? Use this setback as a learning experience, not an excuse to whinge and whine!

SA Firefighter General / Re: Voice Recorders
« on: April 02, 2008, 09:35:08 AM »
Sorry, but I just can't see the problem, you are "broadcasting" a message ,that can be picked up or monitored  by ANYONE , if you assume that all radio traffic is monitored/recorded ,it might make you pause,compose,review your message before you transmit.
Voice recorders are here to stay, they are usefull in the intervening period before you have a scribe on board or a station open, and with todays litigious society who would assume any controller role, without having a voicetrail of recordings to backup decisions made on the fireground.
Voice recorders should be standard eqipment in ALL appliances ,for everyones sake!

Cheers Jaff

« on: March 31, 2008, 12:16:49 PM »
For an explanation , you need look no further than your local member of parliment,some are great and some are hopeless  :wink:(Hi Carmel-Brad) how did they get the position? Sometimes even though they make all the right noises, when put in to that position, it goes to show, that intent doesnt always equate to action!!

Cheers Jaff

Women of the Fire Industry / Evolutution, Revolution or Lip Service
« on: March 26, 2008, 10:22:25 PM »
Are the services evolving towards equality ,fast enough?
As our sevices evolve, as the "old school" way of thinking fades,are we as emergency services thinking of "best or breast" is it any better?

SAAS / Re: Clinical?
« on: March 26, 2008, 10:04:27 PM »
Are RFDS restricted by Adelaide Airports curfew or exempt?

SA Firefighter General / Re: Is it just me . . . . . . .
« on: March 09, 2008, 11:40:47 PM »
Lets not kid ourselves , every service sometime or another needs a reality check , so when and if your turn is up ,deal with it. A full and frank discussion  between commited people can only be a good thing , it helps to dispell untruths and rumours , we can all improve our service providing we use this site as a tool for self/service  evaluation , I have and Im excellent!!!!! :-D

Cheers Jaff

All Equipment discussion / Re: Whats in your pockets?
« on: March 09, 2008, 11:18:46 PM »
Oh numbers so wise in the ways of the world , but still using a rubberised fork, so as not do damage to your complection - Duct tape was developed for use in the air conditioning industries , for joining ceiling ducts.
Though there has been the odd video where .................. needless to say the individuals involved were prosecuted by RSPCA , and found to be quackers  :-D

Cheers Jaff

All Equipment discussion / Re: Whats in your pockets?
« on: March 09, 2008, 12:34:21 PM »
All of the contents of fellow responders pockets has been very insightful, though one noteable ommission is very suprising, for years this cure all was shown nightly on television, with seemingly endless uses it was a quantum leap in emergency management.
I was impressed when with a few household items, it helped transform an ordinary SUV it a unbeatable battlewagon and then on another night built an attack plane again with same household items, yep the A TEAM rocked but, only with the help of "duct tape" the panacea for the 21st century. :-D   Yeh ,B A Baracus (aka MrT)one smooth operator with him on your appliance, youd go through the gates of hades and come out eating icecream , from a cone made of Duct Tape, of course!!! :wink:

Cheers Jaff

SAAS / Re: Clinical?
« on: March 08, 2008, 11:09:54 PM »
Boredy ,how many ambulances are there in metro Adelaide? How many Ambos And Paramedics? Do you Guys have a GPS in your vehicles?
Adelaide airport plane splatters onto runway, possibly hundreds requiring immediate transport and care, could SAAS and Local hospitals cope?

Cheers Jaff

« on: March 08, 2008, 11:36:14 AM »
At this time I can think of four SES paid staff who like the lights/siren switch in the metro area. I can also think of three plus metro volunteer Units who are slowly changing, but still like lights/sirens often.

Not sure how to deal with the issue when the volunteer who comments is accused of criticising an officer and then some volunteers follow the example given.

Still do not understand why so many paid staff in all services have lights/sirens on their cars when they are logistics/training/operations/group/regional/media/etc staff...where is the life threat any of them respond to ??

Also, why do they all need a GRN radio ? Majority can use the work paid for mobile telephone for their communication needs.

Give them magnetic base red/blue lights for fire ground use but save the money for better buildings.

....I feel better now that is off my chest....    :wink:

Andrew , agree that too much non essential P1 driving is done, for a multitude of reasons.
Disagree with the suggestion that the paid staff cars dont need lights, sirens and GRN radios. If we went down that road ,the cars would essentialy be civilian cars and then not suitable for any of the taskings that they are asked to do.
The paid staff in CFS have their roles changed as incidents arise ,they maybe working on a state based training module in the morning and by the afternoon be kilometers away helping manage a going incident in a lot of different capacities, they like us on the way to the incident would want to be kept up to date with current situations.
It may seem like a waste of money having all these vehicles equipped with the P1 kit, but these vehicles like our appliances are more than one dimensional and will always need the capacity to respond to any given task.
Sill we could always get rid of all the staff cars and make them use taxis, complete with non english speaking lost driver :-D.

Cheers Jaff

Chook , just finished reading this post and other posts for the day.  A few things seem fairly obvious , firstly your analogy the "competing tribes" is reasonably apt , but from my point of view the analogy that I would use is the "suckling pigs" with SAFECOM being the unwieldy fat(and getting fatter) sow lying on its side, while all the piglets (ESOs) are forced to compete for the nipple. Perhaps this competing/niggling between the services at our lower level is just a reflection of what we see higher up the food chain . Or maybe reading Charlottes Web as a child affected me? :-).
 As for the rivalry/banter between the services, I believe it will always be there ,my advice is evaluate the negative comments ,discard the crap and use the rest to better your service delivery.
In working with other services at minor incidents, I find myself sometimes standing back and wondering ,why they do somethings a "different" way. But at you larger/campaign style incidents we all tend to sing from the same page and interservice harmony for the most part is excellent, dont forget the 6%ers though.
Now to your questioning of is the battle worth it! Thats for you to answer, but with just asking that question , I think you've already answered it.

My thought ,theres two forces at play here.

1 People that give you shite(us, we'd buy you a beer)

2 People that give you shite and no funds(them, back of the neck kissers)

Cheers Jaff

SA Firefighter General / Re: Appropriate Levels of Response.
« on: March 06, 2008, 12:32:55 PM »
Struth Chook, the Morialta search the other night it looked like the SES guys were trying out for the next episode of Mcleods Daughters, when those cameras went on your boys were like moths around a light :-D .Im told the CFS boys were hanging back remaining mellow , but making undiscernable mumblings about lack of power tools :wink:

Cheers Jaff

« on: March 05, 2008, 08:55:37 PM »
Thanks chook , the search scenario is obviouly not just a logistical problem.
But hey chook wouldnt every problem be better solved with power tools :-D

Cheers Jaff

« on: March 05, 2008, 03:19:02 PM »
Chook ,what are the sort of clues, that could be over looked or corrupted ,by inexperienced search crews in a public space like Morialta?  Again this is not a stir or a shot ,just curiosity about something that on face value appears to be  a fairly simple logistical scenario. Hence why im just a baggy arsed firefighter?

Cheers Jaff

SA Firefighter General / Re: Paging regular sitreps
« on: March 04, 2008, 07:39:18 AM »
Easy solution put it on vibrate , put it in your pocket and just :-o woohoo!

« on: March 04, 2008, 07:29:24 AM »
Just a question , with no intended implying behind it , why wouldn't the local CFS's Athelstone,Montacute,Cherryville and Norton Summit ,who must be very familiar with the park as they border on it, have been one of the first responders ? .Their knowledge of the terrain ,access tracks and having suitable vehicles close at hand , i would have thought , would of had them amongst the first called!

Cheers Jaff

SA Firefighter General / Animal rescues
« on: March 03, 2008, 09:07:05 AM »
in sayingthat though the first instance at Wistow, originally went out as an animal resue, so of course it will call SES... :-)

And ain't that a tragedy. No more manly firemen rescuing the poor little girls' cat from up the tree. I hope that those who made the change occur realise that they have destroyed the dreams of hundreds, if not thousands of children around the state...


The fireys can take any one of our animal rescue jobs... animals are the most ungrateful jerks... always scratching and biting and trying to attack you when all you are doing is trying to help them down so they can be hugged to death by some toddler or fed to death by some old lady...

except cows. rescuing cows from dams is fun  :evil:

Hey Sqiddy, back in my hey days , pulling cows out of muckholes was called dating :-D

The Humour Zone / Re: Firefighter in your home 24/7
« on: March 02, 2008, 10:34:46 PM »
Yep it was a cool advert, did ya cop mums expression when he ate all the food, "I thinkuth she protesteth to much" OH YEH a subplot right there , you could almost hear the "bow chick a wow wow" music playing in the background. :-D

Country Fire Service / Re: Paid CFS staff as Officers in Brigades
« on: March 02, 2008, 10:24:22 PM »
Who would want them?

In my region(1)and group we have a lot of paid staff , that are also brigade members, who train and attend incidents.
For the most part they started out as vols and their enthusiasm for the CFS led them to gain employment in the organisation , some of them now find that their paid job is just that, but their enthusiasm still remains at the voluntary level.
I find that my working relationship with these paid staff is enhanced by my voluntary interaction with them , though as chook has said, I also am perhaps a little guarded when discussing things that might be sailing close to the boundaries for my protection and so as not to put them in a uncomfortable situation.
As with any organisation the Kearney 6% rule will apply , though some others and I think Bob needs to reassess, as the true figure is probably closer to 15%, some names spring to mind immediately :-D. If you have a paid staff that you regularly interact with either at a in brigade level or at a regional level, I think that you will find the benefits far outway the disadvantages, So who would want them?,      Yeh i'll have a few!

Cheers Jaff

Fire Fighter Training / Re: CFS Courses
« on: February 29, 2008, 08:29:53 AM »
K55 in response to your post ,regarding SES and their involvement in what you see as the domain of MFS-CFS ,perhaps you need to have a rethink about your commitment to your service.
In all of the emergency services there exists  catchphrases, "to serve and protect","volunteers protecting our community for life" and so on ,they are the core values of our services, not "love your sister and dont look outside the family" :wink:
I hope your post was just a wind up and not a true reflection of your beliefs and mental capacity!

Chook and other SES "know it alls" keep up the postings ,I may not agree with everything you say, but we will ultimately learn a lot from each other.

Cheers Jaff

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