There were probably three CFS brigades who were closer to the tree fire, than Lincoln MFS....
On a slightly different topics, firefighter kiki mentions that working with the MFS wasn't so bad, the two services worked together well etc etc...that is good to is a pity that so many on this forum publicly bag both the MFS and SES, without having ever worked with them.
While in every service, (CFS included) you will always find a few people who are a pain to work with (or impossible to work with) however the bulk of people are good to work with.
MFS & SES members, and perhaps even members of the public / interstate services reading through this forum must wonder about the relationship between CFS and other service - I am sure the perception amongst many, from reading this forum, is that CFS as a whole hates MFS and SES, and that MFS & SES are just a bunch of arrogant idiots, according to CFS.
This of course is far from the truth - but when anyone challenges the negative comments about other services, the standard answer from those posting the comments is "we were only joking"
CFS has tried hard in recent times to show ourselves as a professional service, with members who behave in a professional manner. Publicly bagging other services is definately not professional.
Obviously there are genuine issues that arise between the services - delays in responding relevant services is one of those, - which can be discussed, without the discussion ending up as a bag MFS session.
Perhaps a little professionalism from some posters could be quite helpful, rather than the dribble that has been coming out lately.
Getting off soap box now
Funny you say that Pip,
the tree fire at Lincoln was 30km out of town the funny thing was there was a full crew standing in Lincoln shed just waiting for that call of course we range R6 to let them know.... But nothing... but then the information was incorrect and tumby went.
On the fire phone we normally receive calls for MFS FIRE and we take down all the detail and then dispatch MFS FIRE VIA SOC which communicate via them direct.... when they receive a call like that they dont care that its our area and just piss off to the job and ring us when they get to it... if we started doing that to them it would be world war filtered 4..
I cant wait until they put out a tender to take over SACAD for all services. it will happen soon..
I will say our working relation ship with Lincoln fire is getting alot better and there has been alot of dual responses. Just them idiots up in Sadelaide Fire that need to get off there soap box...
Real funny story ... i went to light an incinerator out the back, did the right thing contacted SAPOL, contacted local Station officer at Lincoln mfs, told the neighbours and rang mfs comm cen and they told me i needed a permit to burn in the town and told me if i light up they would send the truck around... they got told very quickly... for paid staff not to know the rules.... makes me wonder if they actually know what they are doing....
BUT at the end of the day everyone keeps 4getting we are all here to do the same job and that our Core Task is "Public Safety" We all have the same minister! Really at the end of the day i don't care what colour overalls are working next to me.
Im a dual member of two services.