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PBI - Hated by CFSHQ Since 2005

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So, I hear rumours of a "memo" from somewhere "up the chain" that is commanding that we only wear PBI to *Confirmed* Structure fires and nothing else?

No AFA's, no RCR's, no rural jobs...


Should be a poster in your station that tell's you what and what not to wear it to.


--- Quote from: BundyBear on December 10, 2009, 11:31:36 AM ---Should be a poster in your station that tell's you what and what not to wear it to.

--- End quote ---

Ah, but which has more authority, a poster or the dreaded "memo from up the chain" ?


--- Quote from: 6739264 on December 10, 2009, 11:22:05 AM ---So, I hear rumours of a "memo" from somewhere "up the chain" that is commanding that we only wear PBI to *Confirmed* Structure fires and nothing else?

No AFA's, no RCR's, no rural jobs...


--- End quote ---

not quite, but if you removed the words "confirmed" and "AFA's" from your post then it matches the memo sent to captains from the R1C (and agree to by GO's at the last R1VMC).

regarding authority and the poster/memo, the definitive answer of what you wear when and to what is found in section 5 of the CFS uniform manual.

Oh I love the continued hearsay and Chinese whispers that are so prevalent in the CFS.

mmm Chinese...


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