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34p pump sizes

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In order of year onwards what pumps have been put on 34ps ?

09/10- some 500gpm single stage

The last of the old cab style 34P's had GAAM MK450's that are 2 stage, all the rest are darley 500 GPM single stage.

Does not really matter in the past they have been to small and the current builds are to small as well. Hope you're not at an urban fringe brigade that may go to an MFS job and have to boost an aerial as you wont be able to not to mention sprinkler systems as well.

CFS management just don't get it they need to release that these hybrid type of appliances like 34P/24P just do not cut it at urban fringe brigades or busy brigades in major country towns. Maybe fine for less busier brigades!

The corporate answer is they do not receive funding for large decent pumpers that not only have the pump capacity for moving large amounts of water at high pressure but are better platforms to work from for brigades that response to large amounts of structure, RCR or other incidents of an urban nature.

The current corporate model is to worry only about rural incidents which are left miles behind on the statistics of what a lot of brigades go to now days.



--- Quote from: BundyBear on May 08, 2010, 09:53:56 PM ---......
The corporate answer is they do not receive funding for large decent pumpers that not only have the pump capacity for moving large amounts of water at high pressure but are better platforms to work from for brigades that response to large amounts of structure, RCR or other incidents of an urban nature.

--- End quote ---

Personally I am going to be a curious spectator during the next few years on what fire services do in the newly legislated defined urban fringe area. Will it be more MFS trucks which are like the Port Lincoln hybrid ? Will it be a shared CFS/MFS area ? Will someone finally work on the risk to the public and at least partially fund to cover that risk, or will it continue to be political ?

Sorry for taking this off topic, but the politics are beginning to 'filtered me off' again when they affect volunteers.


Got to agree with you Bajdas Corporate CFS is becoming more and more removed from liaising closely with CFS brigades and the disparity between the two services is growing and is the MFS at fault, I say no obviously as their managers are probably better at getting across their business needs.

Those 34P’s are a shocking appliance to work off of especially if your at a brigade that carries 4 CABA sets and rescue gear on the appliance. Everything is stored all over the appliance due to space issues and poor layout at the design phase. The rear pump panel has valves all over the place and once again the appliances moves alright along the flat but have not real acceleration or torque for hill climbs and I’m not saying we need frightfully quick appliances just ones suited to the task. Bit embarrassing when you’re going P1 up a hill and you’ve got a fleet of civilian vehicles behind you.


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