Scenario 1
so....its a working bee at the station with 10 or 12 people there.....and a car pulls into the car park "quick.. there's a prang down on Main St and one of the cars is smoking"....what do our intrepid firemen do? they
a) tell the messenger, "Piss off mate and ring 000 we can't do anything until they page us" and go back to their BBQ and soft drinks, or
b) Get an appropriately trained response crew together, contact Adel Fire and advise them of the local notification and advise they are mobile with a sitrep regarding requirements for further services on arrival.
Scenario 2
Same working bee day (fortunate hey!). The crew kick back with a sausage and a coke surveying their fancy handiwork in painting their station (oh thats right....we should have waited for the Gov't to paint it cos thats what professional fire services apparantly do). the foothills to the back of the station, a large plume of smoke, building quite quickly with some vigour, appears.
Do our heroes,
a) while waiting for someone else to call 000 and report it, hide the PPE of the guy next to them to ensure they get a place on the truck and stuff another sausage in their mouth because the prospect of Salvos catering for the next 12 hours is too much to bear, or
b)Get an appropriate crew together, contact Adel Fire with an intial report and investigate?
Both cases IMHO are valid instances of self responding. All services do it. Remember Special Service Calls?....a large % of those are self responded by Group or Brigade - and the world doesnt fall in.
Dogma and rote adherance to rules are the last bastion of the inept. Allowing your service providers some common sense flexibility in all this IS in fact a much more professional approach (N.B. cruising the streets of your neighbouring MFS area to scab jobs, doesnt fit this criteria.....just saying)