The problem comes when CFS use a brigades minimum as their maximum. As long as you've got your minimum and another brigade doesn't, then they won't bother to train up anymore of your brigade. It sucks. A lot.
So how then, does CFS, with finite resources (the Government will only give CFS a certain amount of money in their budget each year) ensure that ALL brigades have access to specialist training - not just those who happen to be nearby the Training centre, and hence can get there easily, or brigades with a very efficient training officer, who nominates members on a first in, first served basis?
The SFEC (the Standards of Fire & Emergency Cover) sets down the minimum & maximum training levels for brigades.
While the SFEC document needs updating, it exists to allow ALL brigades to come up to a standard training level, rather than having some brigades with everyone trained, and others with none at all.
The need for a review of the SFEC was one of the discussion topics at the recent Volunteer Summit