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Topics - Red Truck Wonderland

Pages: [1]
The Humour Zone / Quote of the Day,
« on: August 16, 2007, 11:10:10 PM »
"Marriage is based on the theory that when man discovers a brand of beer exactly to his taste he should at once throw up his job and go work in the brewery."

George Jean Nathan

Country Fire Service / CFS Station most in need or repair/replacement
« on: July 31, 2007, 07:32:00 PM »
I had the oportunity to spend some time in hamely bridge CFS,  In my opinon they are doing it hard.  They need to move things around to squeeze in the trucks. Toilet  i feel they should have a new station.

Does anybody else think they deserve a new station additions??? 

I feel this could be a positive way to support some of our poorer cousins. 

anybody think of any others???

SA Firefighter General / CFS Urbanisation
« on: July 26, 2007, 10:34:18 PM »
I feel that CFS has become to urbanised in its future directions and policies, I would like to hear from other people if they feel the same way or not! especially with many people in state HQ comming from the urban fringe, are they missing the true rural point of view?

My personal Stance:

Give MFS areas such as Morphet Vale, Salisbury, Mt Barker, and turn these Stations into Support Brigades, Like Burnside and Athelstone. Reducing the workload on the Volunteers (More MFS stations mean more jobs for those volunteers who are capable) A similar thing happened in the Para group, TTG CFS gave away Golden Grove and Salisbury gave away the levels, They now do less calls but the calls are more action. correct me if i'm wrong.

Allow those who get paid to do most of the work load and allow the Volunteers to provide that support function. ( I know of stations both rural and Urban fringe who couldn't turn out a truck through the day,  think of your own group,  how many times have third fourth and fith pages been required, (Yes it has happened to MFS Retained stations as well.)

Give a greater focus back to rural brigades who need more support. (Being involved with both SAAS and CFS in a rural enviroment the support from CFS paid staff is Poor in comparison.)

Limit the amount of hours volunteers may donate in a given time frame allowing for family and work time. (I don't know how many devorces i have seen caused by obsession with the cfs pager and call outs) any thoughts on how this can be acheived 

CFS produces a In Service Education Plan like SAAS, that ensures people who have gained skills are maintaining them in accordance with the evolving climate.  Ie, it gives them a year to prove skills during training or emergency incidents. with a focus on a specific area each year. (The time required for continuance training is now ridculas)

Do people in the country also feel that there is basicly two CFS's  a Rural volunteer out of necessity and an urban fringe who are obsessed with high call rates who wish their truck was painted red?

This is not meant to offend rather raise a topic for discussion that i have been hearing down the station more and more of late.

PS, how can you stop station politics?  does it only happen in my station....



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