From what I understand, the personality profile can be quite subjective..
I assume having a few ‘neutral‘ answers wouldn’t be bad?
Word of advice. Don’t overthink the personality profiling. Don’t try to predict what they are looking for. It’s not subjective, it’s just a tool to identify personality traits that are conducive to the role of a firefighter. It’s not the perfect system, but it is the most effective and efficient way of ranking thousands of applicants.
If you’ve done the profiling before, be consistent with your answers. Your responses are cross referenced with previous tests. Some of your responses will change over time as your collect life experience,, but if you said you have never been caught drunk driving and in a previous test you said you did, that’s an obvious red flag that you’re manipulating the result.
They’ve been predicting a mass exodus of employees for 5 years but it’s always in dribs and drabs. There are only so many operational positions they can fill and they will only recruit as numbers demand. Don’t plan your life around 300 firies retiring tomorrow.
It’s the best job in the world so I’d encourage everyone to have a crack. Just be realistic with the number of positions vs the number of applicants vs competitive field... and don’t be a filtered like beater if you don’t get in the first few squads.