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Topics - Rainer

Pages: [1]
SA Firefighter General / Hamburg Fire Service
« on: October 20, 2010, 06:31:56 PM »
Hi All,

Some Pics of Hamburg Fire appliance (typical) and ambulance .

Also to show how narrow streets are here.

The Hamburg fire service also does all the ambulance work for the city of Hamburg and firefighters are also trained as paramedics. Typically working 12 hours of ambulance and 12 as a firey.

The Hamburg fire service has 22 fire stations of which 5 are specialist and 17 are combined fire/ambulance and a further 10 stations which are ambulance only.

At our station we have a full "löschzug" which is comprised of two pump rescues a 30m ladder and a command vehicle and 5 ambulances one of which is at an outstation and one is cross manned.
Station website is at,

I am mostly on the PR´s but also ride on the ambulances.

Im happy to answer any questions.


PS pics to follw as soon as I work out how to resize them

Country Fire Service / Budgets
« on: April 26, 2009, 10:50:40 PM »
Hi All,

Ran out of money the other day....(not mine the Group Budget)

Did a little digging and discovered that we have not bought or paid for anything that wasnt needed in the day to day running of a fire brigade (CFS Group) of 8 stations and a fleet of 30 vehicles covering over 16000 people (sensus statistic) and  over 650 Sq Km of district.

Funnily enough we ran out of money earlier this year than last because I instructed my Captains to not purchase anything with their brigade fundraising accounts that should be supplied by the SACFS eg: GPS units, boots, nozzles, helmet torches etc etc you know stuff that the average CFS vol or brigade buys for their members because the CFS does not supply it.

This highlighted the issue that perhaps the monies allocated to our group are not a true reflection of our needs /activities??

Is it possible that the volunteers ethic of "filling the shortfalls" with their own cash is to some extent hiding the true cost of the CFS??

As many of you know I work for the SAMFS and the idea that we would go out and sell a meat tray at the local to raise money for a new TFT is ludicrous..So the question is, should CFS members be expected to raise money for shortcomings in the system? bearing in mind that we are (as a sector) all funded from the ESL.

I have identified a number of shortcomings (some broad examples below) and I should preface the following by making you all aware that the brigades and groups only see about 5.5 mill out of the 56 mill allocated to the CFS.

1.There is absolutely no allowance for any IT related equipment in our budget.

That means no computers printers servers photocopiers etc etc

2.There does not seem to be any increase to account for CPI in our budget

3.There is no allowance for "non-standard" stowage replacement so when things like PPV's, rescue ropes, airbags, disc-cutters, brigade owned vehicles, etc need to be replaced it has to come out of your own money.

And I add that whilst it may be argued ad-infinitum wether we need or dont need certain things the bottom line is that if you have them then they will not get replaced when they break.
And furthermore it can be argued that perhaps the SFEC which was reviewed in 2000 (actually they just put the year 2000 on the 1994 copy) may not be a true reflection of what our current activities are...for example EMA and MA ...the CFS does not make any allowances for brigades fulfilling this function which would see most urban fringe brigades have urban pumpers and higher SFEC levels for training in BA RCR etc etc.

4.There is absolutely no money allocated to our infrastructure (buildings and land) for maintenance.

the CFS took on every CFS building and CFS station in the state with the ESL but the government neglected to fund them a red cent for the maintenance and upkeep of all this infrastructure ..

5.THe CFS got the @#$%ing aircrane shoved down their throats at the budget price of 12 mill when we could have run an extra 8 fixed wing bombers for half the money albeit this is federal money but at the end of the day its just another backslapping political stunt for little or no net gain for us busting our humps to make every dollar stretch that little bit further..

sorry to bang on but I bet if you stopped spending your hard earned to prop up the system the CFS would be up for at least another 1-2 million for brigades and groups statewide which is really bugger all (to those pollies reading this).

I honestly believe the "true" cost of the CFS is completely hidden to those in government and I would call on all of you to stop spending your fundraising money on things that by rights the CFS should supply to you.

Mt Lofty Group Officer

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