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Messages - Darius

Pages: 1 ... 22 23 24 [25] 26
OFF Topic / Re: Good Food
« on: May 09, 2006, 07:16:27 AM »
I went there again the other day and it was open again. The deal is that the place is up for sale and if not sold by the end of May will close for good, but until then is back open as normal.

latest news is the Crafers chicken shop will close at the end of May (pity).

Industrial & Private Fire Services / Re: private fire appliances
« on: May 08, 2006, 11:07:00 PM »
my group (in R1, not the far north) paid for me, and many others, to upgrade from car to MR license.

Country Fire Service / Re: Leave to appear
« on: May 08, 2006, 11:04:29 PM »
well I went along this afternoon to observe.  It was quite an eye opener.  Saw Captcom start her evidence.  She handled it really well (I reckon).  I now understand her comment somewhere in this thread about "wasted time spent on educating the lawyers on how we work"!

I must say I can't see how anyone apart from the legal fraternity is going to benefit from this.  I highly recommend anyone who can to drop in for a while.

Don't look up 302 King William St in because it tells you it's near Grenfell St which it's not.  It's the Coroners Court between Angas and Carrington Streets (southern corner of Vic Square).  It's pretty casual for visitors, no problems to drop in anytime and sit for a while.

It sounds like it's going to be sitting from 10am - 4:30pm except maybe with an early knock-off fridays (it's tough being a lawyer!).  It also sounded like there was the possibility it might move to another larger court at some stage.

Country Fire Service / Re: SPAM on GRN pagers
« on: May 07, 2006, 08:59:07 PM »
report it to the GRN helpdesk.

Country Fire Service / Re: GRN protables
« on: May 03, 2006, 12:50:14 PM »
2 on 2 of the trucks, only 1 on the others. Only Captain has one as well.

I'd be interested in how many VHF's trucks have as well..

in my group VHF:
currently it's 2 per "small" appliance (12/14) and 3 for the rest (24/34), soon to be 3 for all appliances.

those with 2 GRN portables in the truck should be for EMA (or else it's the captains one).

Country Fire Service / Re: GRN protables
« on: May 02, 2006, 10:32:17 PM »
One per truck.  Only captains have one, not Lts.

SA Firefighter General / Re: Any one who can help?
« on: April 28, 2006, 10:42:22 PM »
I'm lucky I'm in a job where I don't deal with customers and 99% of the time have vague sort of deadlines such that I can disappear early one day and so long as I make up the time at some point no one minds.  My employer (a large company) also has a policy that you can claim up to 10 days per year for emergency services (paid) leave which includes CFS, SES, army reserves etc.

You are supposed to get approval beforehand but for incidents I have left work for, such as the Mt Osmond fire, I went then rang my supervisor whilst on the way and said I've gone (I also told him to tell another guy at work who lives just near the golf course there that he might like to go home and protect his house!).

My point?  it's up to the employer in my opinion but there are good ones around.  Although it's tough if you work for a small business cos it's costing them money if you disappear.

Country Fire Service / Re: Leave to appear
« on: April 26, 2006, 01:08:24 PM »
May 8 in Adelaide at 2.15pm was the last information I was given...this date and time seems to be firming as a definite.

The witness prior to me can only appear next week because his lawyer is only available then.

They are talking about the Federal Court in 3 Angas St.

Will keep you all posted.

NOW it's getting's actually getting close!  :-o
has some info about it.  Yep keep us informed.  And good luck!

SA Firefighter General / Re: Ammusing pager message.
« on: April 24, 2006, 04:31:29 PM »
1922914 17:06:56 23-04-06 Hacker Attack!!! 0-1-1 0:0:0 Hacker Attack! TCP: From: To:

Sux to be them!

yes someone seems to like piping various emails out to their pager, including ebay watch messages.

OFF Topic / Re: fire-related mobile phone ringtones
« on: April 22, 2006, 12:57:45 PM »
I got the air raid siren if anyone wants it..  Can you put it on the computer and send it that way ?  then the receiver just d/loads it to the phone? ??

Any phone nerds on here ??

can you send it to me please?

if you have a programming cable, or infra-red link etc you can get it off your phone onto your computer then email it.  Otherwise you can just send it from your phone as an MMS (multimedia message).

I got the one from calspec but it's in "xmf" format (which I had never heard of before) and no phone I have access to knows what to do with it (the nokias are expecting a .mid file).  I've googled but can't find any converters either!

SA Firefighter General / Re: 1000 Post by a member...
« on: April 19, 2006, 01:33:59 PM »
If anyone gets to 3000 posts they should hold the rank of CEO  :-P

I've noticed a few times now Euan Ferguson referred to as CEO not "chief officer", is there a difference? or has the CFS just decided to go all "corporate"?

PS. striker where's that quote in your sig come from?

OFF Topic / Re: fire-related mobile phone ringtones
« on: April 15, 2006, 10:17:22 AM »
I had a siren ringtone on my previous Panasonic flip phone that was attached to the CFS phone number in my address book.  A short ascending woop woop type sound.  Very bloodie annoying and sure got your attention!  I can fire up the phone and send it if you require.  Just PM me your mobile No

sounds good, but what is "PM"?
(how can you email someone from a post they have done to this forum?)

OFF Topic / fire-related mobile phone ringtones
« on: April 13, 2006, 03:32:07 PM »
well it's a slow afternoon but had an alerts call earlier and it got me thinking it would be handy to have alerts calls come up on my mobile with a different ringtone, preferably something fire-related (eg. like a siren or something).

previous attempts of mine to find and download a decent ringtone off the net have been a total waste of time, has anyone got any? or good places to look?

SA Firefighter General / Re: Ammusing pager message.
« on: April 13, 2006, 03:16:33 PM »

Which brigade wrote that?

Salisbury - not exactly the best way of dealing with it in my opinion either.

OFF Topic / Re: Programming ubct8 scanner
« on: April 12, 2006, 10:26:33 AM »
Some units are trialing voice activated recorders situated below the SAGRN speaker at base. Problem is that they activate when people have a conversation while standing nearby.

you'd have to pipe the audio into the recording device (patch a wire onto the speaker wire or audio out), not just put a tape recorder next to the speaker

I am considering something like this running on a PC:

For myself, during a busy operational time I have needed to review the radio log to find out information (eg time of last contact to person & where they were).

How would you retrieve that kind of information from a recording device ?

But i think useful for 'day to day' small operations and general radio traffic. But would hate to review a recorded session to create a timeline or for oeprational analysis.

you'd have to play it back.  I don't think there's an automated way that's better than someone listening to the radio and moving tokens around on a whiteboard.

you can get a log of radio use from a program like ID Trunker connected to a scanner but you want beyond that.  You want software that does voice recognition and converts it to text... (not yet!)

Country Fire Service / Re: pager message
« on: April 12, 2006, 10:12:45 AM »
Every one is allowed to have there quams mate.. if it grinds your gears that much.. Dont read a forum..

"qualm" means an uneasy feeling, I would have said you had gripes or whinges but anyway.
Just an attempt to inject some facts and common sense into the discussion, pointless I know!  :evil:  :-D

Country Fire Service / Re: sub-standard?? service
« on: April 12, 2006, 10:03:01 AM »
jeez i'd be real happy if i was in one of those brigades. When people say things like that about volunteers, theres going to be a lot of people saying "well why do I waste my time if i'm going to be treated as sub standard?" Hopefully CFS and SAMFS can co exist down there. It would still make me feel worthless though.

depends how paranoid you are I guess.  If the callout rate is high enough that volunteers are putting in so much time, then the govt is taking advantage of volunteers (they still collect the ESL from everyone after all regardless of where you live) instead of paying them to provide a fire service as their job.  I don't see it as anything to do with CFS vs MFS (I think people are far too quick to jump on that bandwagon).

anyway this type of topic has been done to death before and I don't see anything productive coming out of it.

OFF Topic / Re: Good Food
« on: April 11, 2006, 05:49:32 PM »
it WAS 10-15% i think. however if what darius said is true then theres no more discounts for us :cry:

I went there again the other day and it was open again. The deal is that the place is up for sale and if not sold by the end of May will close for good, but until then is back open as normal.

OFF Topic / Re: Programming ubct8 scanner
« on: April 11, 2006, 05:47:43 PM »
can't you just ask group/region to give you guys a hand with programming it? i think thats what our group did.

it was the group comms officer (at the time) who did all the scanners in your group, I doubt you'd get any help from R1!

to mengcfs: look on the SA-Scan yahoo group, lots of people have programmed them, they are much more of a pain than the UBC780 though.  Regarding recording it as a record of radio traffic, it's not a 100% solution, ie. not as good as connecting a radio to a recording device.  It's my tip that the lack of recorded radio traffic in many groups (and regions) is going to be one (of many) thing to come out of the Eyre Peninsula fire.

SA Firefighter General / Re: GRN paging software
« on: April 11, 2006, 05:32:57 PM »
For those that dont know, Link is nothing that is top secret..

Posted all round radio room stations that ive been too.. Im sure its a fairly known resource...

Airsource (or Airpro .. what ever its called...  Definately program of choice).

The Link page is on their website it's definitely not a secret.  You can also send via email, but neither method is recommended for anything important.

The program is called "Airsource Pro" but is several years old and the company that did it (Silverlake) has gone out of business.

Country Fire Service / Re: pager message
« on: April 11, 2006, 05:23:45 PM »
Yea so any way..

I also get annoyed with the poxy messages...

If your not at the call, ring the station if you want to sticky beak about it..

Unless it directly involves the job, and the crews not at the scene / station need to know.. THen find out at the next training night or sumthing..

A page telling crews that a truck is responding to the job, that the truck is at the scene, truck is leaving, and truck is back... Over kill...

If you're talking about the barossa ones, it's sent to group officers only.  If that's how that group wants to do it, that's their business (perhaps they have a group officer who can't get radio reception or something).

If you're talking about somewhere else where these type of pages are sent to everyone in the group, and you're in that group, then again it's obviously something the group management committee decided to do.  If you don't like it, put it on the agenda for the next group meeting.

Someone here said sending pages costs money, but does it? (ignoring the phone call or dialup to send the page).  Do you know the details of the CFS contract with Link?  It's not some "200 pages for $20" type deal you know.

Country Fire Service / Re: pager message
« on: April 10, 2006, 01:53:07 PM »
Good Idea..... but doesnt suit my lifestyle.... and Im not going to start changing pager tones twice a day!

maybe a little stuborn I know.... but you get that!

yep you're right, it's stubborn ;)

Country Fire Service / Re: pager message
« on: April 10, 2006, 01:42:43 PM »
If its relevant - then I dont mind so much..... but I do get rather annoyed when "xxx 24 returned to station" comes over the pagers. It also doesnt help relations with my employer to have the pager going off for no apparent reason. Its only set to chirp, but its still enough to distrct people..... Has said he doesnt mind having it on within reason.

simple: set it to vibrate only.

SA Firefighter General / Re: Online SAGRN Scanner
« on: March 28, 2006, 01:52:33 PM »
i meant the actual scanner. aren't they like $4000?

not for something like a uniden ubc780, the same as is sitting in your station probie_boy.  They come up every so often on ebay for around $350.

PS. went by the Crafers chicken shop again last night, it's still shut with the same sign on the door saying it's for sale.

SA Firefighter General / Re: Ammusing pager message.
« on: March 27, 2006, 10:21:37 AM »
hahah large norks...

re: hazmat... if it wasnt a HAZMAT... then why were two splash suits used??

Mate you don't have to convince me... I think hazmat should have gone from the outset...  (So yes, I think the RESPONSE from MFS should have been for a hazmat...)

But...  In a perfect world i spose...   :?

there's a form the local CFS EMA brigade can fill in and send in reporting that the response/dispatch procedures were not followed (if indeed they weren't).  EMA brigades in my group report it when it happens.

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