Technical Discussion > Compartment Fire Behaviour

Fire Tactics

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--- Quote from: strikeathird ---Love the Signature  ^^^ :D
--- End quote ---

Thanks, Its A Little Big For The Dialup Customers, Sorry About That.

Well, after attending a Fully envolved house fire yesterday, I can honestly say, Compartment Fire Behaviour training has taught me heaps!!!!!

I have said it before, and will say it again...  If you get the chance,  JUMP AT IT!!

oz fire:
Any details you would like to share?

What was the job?
Did you use CFB techniques at the incident?
Was the house intact or venting at the time?
Offensive or defensive fire fighting?
Pre or post flashover????
First arriving crew or back up??

Won't go into many details, don't know if findings have been made, or anything like that.  But yes, CFB techniques were used, and to much effect.

That is all that will be said until further notice. 


oz fire:
Glad to hear that you were able to use the CFB training - it is an incredible feeling to be able to enter an involved structure and use it once you have the training and then being able to later reflect on the difference it made compared with the tactics we once used.

Wasn't after too many details, just thought it a good opportunity for you to share the practical application of what you have Lent with those who haven't undertaken the training - we need to reinforce to people how important this training is for every BA operator

PS - Fire Cause have their findings and are writing their report :-)


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