Author Topic: SES response and stop calls  (Read 35214 times)

Offline fire8029

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SES response and stop calls
« on: June 30, 2013, 08:25:19 PM »
30-06-13 15:38:34 Stop call as expected; thanks to those who responded anyway. We do need to keep responding despite the frustration of being stopped. Thanks again - UM - SES Northern Districts Info


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SES response and stop calls
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2013, 04:31:51 PM »
That's what happens when you insist on being responded to anything and everything that involves "rescue"!!

Offline Andrew K

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SES response and stop calls
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2013, 09:48:28 PM »
And why shouldn't they be responded to all rescue jobs?  Most SES trucks are better equipped the CFS / MFS units for the rescue jobs especially if it was for example a larger vertical job or someone trapped under a fallen tree, trapped in an packing machine or something. Often the Volunteers are better trained for it too, I've watched other services do a reverse ladder slide that took the better part of an hour to complete to move someone 7 meters up a slope. where it should have taken 20 minutes tops

The issue is that SACAD puts all jobs like kids in car into that field, and depending on what the operator puts it in as depends on if they get responded at all.

For example

Assist SAAS - get someone off a tower crane or out of a 10th story window - SES will not be responded because we don't do the "ASSIST SAAS" wording but are likely better equipped and trained to do the job as that is what all the basic training is aimed at.


Rescue General - get someone off a tower crane or out of a 10th story window - SES will be responded -  same job but different wording which in in our response criteria.

Jobs like that should have their own category which would save a pile of issues as it doesn't take a genius to get into a car

Offline Alan (Big Al)

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SES response and stop calls
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2013, 11:35:46 PM »
Whats the difference then if it takes CFS/MFS the better part of an hour to do a job that takes SES 20 minutes if it takes SES 40-50 plus minutes to arrive on scene??

With such high response times for a high percentage of calls for a lot of units out there, stop calls have to be a part of life for these units, surely it has become an accepted part of being an SES volunteer in the metro area?
At least it ensures the jobs you do actually attend are then worthwhile of the vollies time? 
Lt. Goolwa CFS

Offline Andrew K

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SES response and stop calls
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2013, 12:35:43 AM »
Don't know where abouts you are but i would say it depends on the unit. In most cases where we are it is around 20 mins from page to on scene depending on where it is in the area and the priority of the call which remember is built up with for more traffic and traffic lights to and from the unit.

what annoys me is when i can get from home or work to the unit, get a truck to the scene and still would have had the job done before the the on scene service (i'm not trying to have a go at all firies, some are very good but others really need some practice in the basics), and the casualty wouldn't have been bounced around nearly so much or nearly slid sideways off the ladder.

Its funny that you get a tree down over road it will get handed over as soon as we rock up as they need to get back to cover their patch. However make that remove a window or something to get someone out of a second story they will be trying to stay as long as possible even if another service can do it is on scene with the tools to do it while they are waiting for a truck that is 15 mins away, or while waiting for that truck they'll put a stop on the SES truck that is already mobile and closer to the job.

what I'm trying to get at is that if you want metro people to keep volunteering (as the can't join the CFS / SAAS in most cases and how many roof jobs can you do) you can't keep wasting their time with stops and sending fire services P1 and SES P2 all the time, and stopping jobs where they aren't finished and the vollies can still contribute to the outcome. People get the sick of it don't respond and then when you want them for example when that wingfield fire was one we had a rescue of someone on torrens where stokes was needed and not a fire truck to be seen you may not have them.




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SES response and stop calls
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2013, 05:35:55 PM »
Hence why the old system worked, and even unit managers I speak to prefer the old system, we used to get called when it was an actual job, and no one got jack of it as you knew every time you went out the door it was because you were required, this is a retention disaster, do the units actually want this ? If I was a volly in the SES because of the size area I covered I would rather know that I was called because I was needed than spend all that time getting organised only to get a stop.

Offline Andrew K

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SES response and stop calls
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2013, 09:28:22 PM »
Depends the issue we have in our area is getting stops when jobs are still going,

I have been in the truck on the way to a job, received a stop call for it. Since we were 5 mins away from it we kept going, once we got there we found the job was still underway and that another fire appliance rocked up lights and sirens blazing 10 minutes after we did to provide a tool we carry on our truck.

It really depends on who is on shift, in our area some are great others aren't same with the com centre,

Offline straps

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SES response and stop calls
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2013, 11:17:00 PM »
Out of curiosity, is there room for the Adelaide Fire Operator to edit/alter the job types to either favour or detract from a particular agency..??? And are there CFS / SES members who work in there that could also skew the type of response etc..???

Don't flame me, I am just curious - but will remove the post if I start some agency slanging match..


Offline Andrew K

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SES response and stop calls
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2013, 11:24:48 PM »
As far as i know all the comm centre operators are paid MFS staff, however quite a few of them have background from other services

don't know about changing the jobs although it certainly seems like they can at times, for example we recently started getting P2 general rescue jobs when they all used to be P1

Offline CFS_Firey

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Re: SES response and stop calls
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2013, 10:10:22 AM »
don't know about changing the jobs although it certainly seems like they can at times, for example we recently started getting P2 general rescue jobs when they all used to be P1

Isn't that the same level for SES (both lights and siren)?  Or has that changed?

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Re: SES response and stop calls
« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2013, 12:50:48 PM »
don't know about changing the jobs although it certainly seems like they can at times, for example we recently started getting P2 general rescue jobs when they all used to be P1

Isn't that the same level for SES (both lights and siren)?  Or has that changed?

P1 and P2 are both lights and siren jobs,P3 is Priority 2 for SES.

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Offline Andrew K

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Re: SES response and stop calls
« Reply #11 on: July 03, 2013, 04:26:16 PM »
P1 is lights and sirens -threat to life
P2 is as quick as possible under standard road rules - no lights / siren - imminent threat to property etc
P3 is less urgent

Offline Alan (Big Al)

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Re: SES response and stop calls
« Reply #12 on: July 03, 2013, 07:36:34 PM »
don't know about changing the jobs although it certainly seems like they can at times, for example we recently started getting P2 general rescue jobs when they all used to be P1

Isn't that the same level for SES (both lights and siren)?  Or has that changed?

P1 and P2 are both lights and siren jobs,P3 is Priority 2 for SES.


I responded to this job with Pt Elliot today, south coast only had one member turn up about 20 minutes after the initial page..

They seem to be having extreme difficulty getting crews for any jobs lately.  Perhaps its time they have a look at what strath SES seems to be doing and if there arent enough crew in area for the day they take their 91 out of service until the evening.
Lt. Goolwa CFS


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Re: SES response and stop calls
« Reply #13 on: July 04, 2013, 04:29:36 PM »
A lot has changed in recent times with responses, most of it driven from SES HQ, so yeah be interesting to see what happens.

Offline CFS_Firey

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Re: SES response and stop calls
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2013, 09:41:53 AM »
A lot has changed in recent times with responses, most of it driven from SES HQ, so yeah be interesting to see what happens.

What's changed?

Offline bajdas

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Re: SES response and stop calls
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2013, 02:12:32 PM »
Statistics provided for last financial year indicated a quarter of the Incidents responded to were stop called for a particular Unit. This Unit does not record the Incident unless the vehicle is out of the shed.

Personally, I have been in the service long enough to realise that this is a fact of emergency volunteer life. All systems have good and bad aspects.

For me, if any team can assist a person who needs emergency help quickly that is fantastic.

It seems it takes time for skills and equipment to be recognised sometimes.

re defaulting rescue, isnt that the way the system is meant to work & every organisation has issues from time to time ?
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


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Re: SES response and stop calls
« Reply #16 on: July 08, 2013, 04:09:06 PM »
Yes you have 6 mins to make a phone call to acknowledge the page, if you can't do that in 6 mins somethings wrong.

