If I were the glass-half-full kind of person, I'd say not enough is better than nothing at all.
But I'm not.
Seems to me that neither mob "get it".
This looks like another half-sucked lolly casually tossed our way (with fanfare) to trick voters.
We need more like an EXTRA $80M over 4 years, not $13M.
We need more staff - more "bureaucracy" as Isobel calls it.
Having a single Region Officer handling prevention (including home fire safety & compliance, vegetation management) and managing training is ridiculous.
Having 2 people attempting to manage a fleet of 1,000 vehicles including design & commissioning is a bad joke.
Whether we employ enough full-time trainers, or a CFSVA suggestion to pay hourly rates to volunteer instructors, there's still something like $9M EXTRA PER YEAR needed, just for training.
Too early to celebrate yet people.
Start thinking about funding banners at the election, and about getting disruptive around April.