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Messages - sparky

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SA Firefighter General / HELP.....Vintage Fire Truck Needed!!
« on: July 24, 2011, 10:02:51 PM »
If anyone knows where I can find a vintage fire truck that is running and the owners would be willing to drive it for a wedding I would appreciate it. I was set on getting to my wedding on October 29th in a vintage fire truck but have had no luck in finding anyone available. The wedding will be held in the adelaide hills.

Country Fire Service / Re: Intruder alarms
« on: April 15, 2006, 06:55:12 PM »
totally agree with you firey, but at the same token the key fobs that our brigade use dont look like anything. It looks like a fancey key ring, it has no id to what it is or what it can be used for.
At the same token the resposibility lies on the indervidual as they must report lost key immediatly. Its the same as somoeone forgetting to arm the station, leaves the station vonerable, and its the last person to leave responsability to lock up and arm the system.
However as technology evolves I know of a few systems that can arm automatically by sencing if no one is in the building for extended periods of time.
There are also systems where you need to swip the key fob over two pads to disarm the alarm.
For example if jo blo found a set of keys with a key fob and knew that it would unlock a cfs station, they would be able to unlock the station, which would put the alarm into a 15 sec entry delay (time be adjusted) and then they would need to know where the second acces pad is to swip the key fob to diarm the alarm.
Any way you look at it firey, an alarm is never going to be 100% and mojority of that relies on how well the system is installed for that particular building.
I own a security company which looks at solutions to difficult security issues.
off topic a bit - We currently look after homes as they are being built and have systems that can determine the jo blo looking for something to steal to the genuine tradey.
All i can say it technology has come a long way and its sad to see many security companies taking the easy way out.

this is only my opinion

Country Fire Service / Re: Intruder alarms
« on: April 12, 2006, 08:54:47 PM »
mengscfs, if you want some options on entry systems contact me

Country Fire Service / Re: Intruder alarms
« on: April 11, 2006, 07:11:57 PM »
agrees with strikeathird. Also a key fob is half the length of a key so it doesnt get in the way. I carry mine on my car keys and all i have to do is put the keyfob near the sensor pad and the door unlocks and disarms the alarm. Alot easier than trying to punch in a key code when your in a hurry. However a key bob will only ever unlock and disarm an alarm (if interfaces together) but will never arm the alarm, so you still need your code to arm the alarm.

Country Fire Service / Re: Intruder alarms
« on: April 10, 2006, 11:05:06 PM »
the idea of the fob system firey is that it disarms the alarm aswell as unlocks the door, you then have to manually arm the alarm which then gives you an exit delay of about 30 to 40 seconds

Country Fire Service / Re: Intruder alarms
« on: April 10, 2006, 06:22:28 PM »
most of the stations I have visited have key code alarms, but there could be other stations with key fob entry. As far as i am aware our station is the only one probie

Country Fire Service / Re: Intruder alarms
« on: April 10, 2006, 11:00:53 AM »
Hi Guys, just to let you know there are security systems that can be self monitored which saves on monitoring costs. it works by dialling a mobile number, so your captain and/or who ever you allocate can monitor the alarm. It is also a good idea to log more than one number in the system so if the first number the system dials doesn't answer it will automatically ring the second, then the third, upto 10 numbers until the call is answered.
 Also as far as the people trying to their keycode numbers there is a cheap and easy solutions by using key fobs, which are programmed into the system. Advantage is that no one has to remember a number and when your in a hurry to the station not only can you disarm the alarm but unlock the door using electronic door strikes. This systems works quite well at our station.
If you or your station want more info call Bluestone Security Solutions 0406994277

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